Show us: your log burners and open fires

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67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
You mean on the left of the photo? No. It's a leather pony for doing learher work. :laugh:

Nope; it is either mustard or some fancy new lube for your bike ^_^ :


welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Nope; it is either mustard or some fancy new lube for your bike ^_^ :

View attachment 554620

Bloody big bottle to be lube. :laugh: that's white PVA glue.


A long the side of the house

Made out of pallets. Sides made out of round bale pallets.

Down the side of the garage. Only 2 foot wide.
All fetched on my bikes. Either 10 to 12 inches long in the 4 pannier bags on my Santos's or around 22 inches long on my electric bike using a trailer.
Ran out of wood stores so some wood in front of third picture.

The wood in front of the pallet wood store. Really need some pallets for another couple of wood stores to feed my addiction.

I think I may be an addict. Addicted to foraging particularly for wood. I cut up the wood (all fallen trees) and collect it when exercising the dog.
I will probably have it burning all day everyday till the end of winter. It doesn't go out at night.

Central heating is LPG. So I save about £750 year. That's a guess. When i take out a contract with a new supplier (2 year) I agree to use 2000 litres a year. I doubt I use 250. Eventually they notice and won't reduce my price at renewal. The present one didn't notice so I got good price on what I use. One supplier gave me £150 to renew, about a years worth of LPG.
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An Peanut
This thread makes me slightly jealous as I was keen on a wood burner when we did our big extension last year. We decided not to go through with it on environmental grounds though.
By the way for those who don't know the law on foraging for wood:-
If it's standing it's stealing.
If it's fallen it's foraging.
I know that's the law as I found it on a post on foraging site and as I posted it, so it must be true.
Farmers don't care anyway, as long as they don't know.
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This is our Much Wenlock multi-fuel stove, about 30 years old. I've had to reline it once and replace two of the riddle bars in that time. We burn foraged wood 99% of the time. The coal scuttle contains smokeless fuel for the occasions we go out and want to be sure the stove is burning when we get home. Being 30+ years old it's not as efficient as newer models.

I've about 1.5 winters worth of logs and kindling cut, dried and stacked in the woodshed. I need a local tree to come down this winter.


And this is the front room open fire which we light on cold evenings.



Legendary Member
Don't burn too much at once, some manufacturers won't guarantee their stoves if you burn eucalyptus because the oils in it makes it burn incredibly hot. I use it sparingly in mine. Like most woods it needs splitting as green as possible, because when dry it is very very tough.
It's tough when green too, because it grows with a twisted grain. It's a case of smashing it rather than cleaving it.

There are about 100 varieties of eucalyptus and some are oilier than others. This wasn't oily at all and burnt a bit like ash, but with a more orange flame. I have a flue thermometer anyway.
View attachment 554621

View attachment 554622

A long the side of the house View attachment 554623
Made out of pallets. Sides made out of round bale pallets. View attachment 554624
Down the side of the garage. Only 2 foot wide.
All fetched on my bikes. Either 10 to 12 inches long in the 4 pannier bags on my Santos's or around 22 inches long on my electric bike using a trailer.
Ran out of wood stores so some wood in front of third picture.
View attachment 554627

The wood in front of the pallet wood store. Really need some pallets for another couple of wood stores to feed my addiction.

I think I may be an addict. Addicted to foraging particularly for wood. I cut up the wood (all fallen trees) and collect it when exercising the dog.
I will probably have it burning all day everyday till the end of winter. It doesn't go out at night.

Central heating is LPG. So I save about £750 year. That's a guess. When i take out a contract with a new supplier (2 year) I agree to use 2000 litres a year. I doubt I use 250. Eventually they notice and won't reduce my price at renewal. The present one didn't notice so I got good price on what I use. One supplier gave me £150 to renew, about a years worth of LPG.

Addiction me thinks:okay::okay::okay:

Most of ours is kept in the forest, about 5-7m³ at the house and about 5-10 seasoning in the forest, usually keep it there for 3yrs before bringing it up, then around 1yr at the house. I'll usually fell 2-3 trees each January, log them down to 1m, then split into 4 before stacking and leaving them there. Once seasoned i cut them down to 25cm lengths on the band saw.

Got some Damson wood to burn this winter on the smoker, fruit wood is great for cooking meat:smile:
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