Should I, she, or we pay this private companies parking fine?

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I think Accy's tactic will be to turn up in tweed and simply owerawe the district judge with his dapper demeanour.
As the defendant at the hearing for crimes against fashion ^_^


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
See, this is what I don't understand.

The parking firm are suggesting that the inconvenience, expense, and loss of use of the space while Accy's Tweedmobile was paked there comes to a fiscal value of £90.

That being the case, how can they afford to accept £45 without making a loss of he pays it quickly?

That suggests to me that the real cost to them is actually £45, and the £90 isn't to cover their notional expenses or losses, but is an attempt at profiteering. I fail to see how 45 and 90 sheets can both be the value of their inconvenience.
It's not damages, it's their business model. By overstaying, Accy agreed to give them ninety quid, that's what they're chasing up. The people who overstay pay for the free parking for everyone else.


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
The parking companies have bulk contracts with the DVLA.

There is nothing registered or regulated about any of this.

The DVLA will flog data to any company or individual prepared to pay for it.

That's not quite what says they can do.

Private car parking management companies that give out parking tickets or trespass charge notices can only request information from DVLA if they’re members of the British Parking Association or the International Parking Community.

Having said that, in Accy's case the company is a BPA member.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
To those who think this is about a measly £22.50 or £45,even £90, it's not! This is about principal!! My friend emailed me this morning asking if i'd like her to pay the £45. She's worth a fair bob or two,so it's nothing to her. She spent £1200 on tweeds the day i had the misfortune to be filmed by those bandits. Anyway, i told her no, wait till i've spoken to the CAB on Thursday. She told me that she's even thought about paying for a solicitor to fight this. I think she's up for a battle more than i am!!🧐


Charming but somewhat feckless
You saw the parking notices, ignored them and got caught and now you want to hold your position on principle? :rofl:
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