Science deniers. WTF?

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All at sea⛵
Well there was Phlogiston. That was supposed to be scientific.
Mr Newlands and his law. The scientists buried that one quietly

And of course Lamark, a special scientific nutter


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
It's getting worse. Chemtrails... no it's Contrail and is basically water vapour, not some dodgy chemical spraying. Oh look at the mess in the sky, we are doomed. Nope, it's like clouds, right conditions they won't disperse as quickly.

Absolute nutcases, and social media gives them a voice.

i asked one chemtrail believer what the chemicals are for, and was told with a completely straight face that it's mind control... basically, the chemicals make us gullible to all sorts of nonsense (such as believing that chemtrails are harmless contrails, i suppose). I then asked how they're immune to the chemicals whilst I'm not, but they didn't know. :blush:


All at sea⛵
i asked one chemtrail believer what the chemicals are for, and was told with a completely straight face that it's mind control... basically, the chemicals make us gullible to all sorts of nonsense (such as believing that chemtrails are harmless contrails, i suppose). I then asked how they're immune to the chemicals whilst I'm not, but they didn't know. :blush:

They walk among us

Anyone want to bid on my zombie detector kit? It'll be on eBay soon


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
And while we're on the subject of nutters what about other contestants for the 'Nurse he's out of bed again' awards.
This character claims that a UFO came down in Italy towards the end of WW2. The Americans brought it from Musolini and the Vatican was in on it. All hushed up by the US of course.

Demons, apparently. :evil:
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