Science deniers. WTF?

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Is that not, fundamentally, what I said?

You seemed to be suggesting that the solution to the problem is intelligence and/or education. Kahan's work found otherwise, unless we have a way to counter the motives for tribalism, education is likely to exacerbate the problem.


Resolutely on topic
Later, in 1975 the piece required to allow the two countries to meet in space, just happened to be found laying around in NASA's stores.

That’s not the case. Yes, an Apollo CSM and Saturn rocket was used from the cancelled moon missions, but a new docking adapter had to be designed, built, tested and used. The Soviet Soyuz capsule also had to be redesigned, not least because Apollo used a low pressure oxygen atmosphere and Soyuz a higher pressure air mix.


It just keeps going, if someone holds one conspiracy true they tend to hold most of the rest as true also.

I actually know a conspiracy theorist.

He's a really nice guy, but

He believes in chem trails and they're to control the population with the drugs they're spitting out (personally I'm not sure what they're trying to control over here in North Wales!)
He doesn't believe we went to the moon and it was all done in the studio
Covid was fake and was to control us (he has no answer to why they stopped doing it if that was the case)
Vaccines don't work
The fact he was really ill for 4 weeks was nothing to do with covid
All banks are owned by the Rothschild family and they also run all the world governments

Basically as soon as he starts up I walk away


West Yorks
You could always offer my theory that God created religion to weed out the boring sods that just agree and never question, so he's not stuck with them for eternity. An omnipotent omniscient is going to want interesting people that challenge him. :okay:

They also get all the best musicians and Rock stars, they've now got the best Supergroup known to man, just as long as I get to see them play, that is, so long as the doorman lets me get past the pearly gates that is.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
There's always going to be a handful of nutters around. That's life.

The problem is that it's no longer a handful of people....
That’s not the case. Yes, an Apollo CSM and Saturn rocket was used from the cancelled moon missions, but a new docking adapter had to be designed, built, tested and used. The Soviet Soyuz capsule also had to be redesigned, not least because Apollo used a low pressure oxygen atmosphere and Soyuz a higher pressure air mix.

Actually, when the US astronaouts finally saw the Soyuz capsule for themselves, they were gobsmacked at how basic it was compared to the Apollo one they were flying.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
I actually know a conspiracy theorist.

He's a really nice guy, but

He believes in chem trails and they're to control the population with the drugs they're spitting out (personally I'm not sure what they're trying to control over here in North Wales!)
He doesn't believe we went to the moon and it was all done in the studio
Covid was fake and was to control us (he has no answer to why they stopped doing it if that was the case)
Vaccines don't work
The fact he was really ill for 4 weeks was nothing to do with covid
All banks are owned by the Rothschild family and they also run all the world governments

Basically as soon as he starts up I walk away

I used to work with a guy like that... but throw YEC into the mix and you get statements such as "The pyramids were quite clearly built by giants." and "Carbon dating is a wholly inaccurate pseudo-science." ...oh and "UFOs aren't aliens from another planet, they're demons."



Leg End Member
I actually know a conspiracy theorist.

He's a really nice guy, but

He believes in chem trails and they're to control the population with the drugs they're spitting out (personally I'm not sure what they're trying to control over here in North Wales!)
He doesn't believe we went to the moon and it was all done in the studio
Covid was fake and was to control us (he has no answer to why they stopped doing it if that was the case)
Vaccines don't work
The fact he was really ill for 4 weeks was nothing to do with covid
All banks are owned by the Rothschild family and they also run all the world governments

Basically as soon as he starts up I walk away
Capricorn One was a film, backed by NASA, to say that "We did go to the moon. However if we didn't/couldn't go, this is how we would have done it instead."
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