Science deniers. WTF?

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I'm not so sure. When I was taught what was then "Home Economics" in the mid-to-late 1980s, the theory behind the method and ingredients was first and foremost.

Yes, we made bread rolls, but first we learned about yeast (we also did that in our science lessons), and we learned about gluten and how it works. Of course, as a hobbyist bread maker, I've learned much more over the years about how different environmental factors and how different ingredients affect my bread.

But is that how most people learn to cook? Most things learnt will come from someone teaching it or recipes followed from a book or website. Not many do home economics, our school didn't do it at all. Maths, English, modern language plus 5 other subjects that must include one science and one humanities. Nothing about cooking at all.

Those I know who were taught to cook at school in home ec courses got taught recipes not science. Rote learning. I guess you had a pro science home ec teacher. BTW I suspect we were at school in similar years.

Deleted member 1258

But is that how most people learn to cook? Most things learnt will come from someone teaching it or recipes followed from a book or website. Not many do home economics, our school didn't do it at all. Maths, English, modern language plus 5 other subjects that must include one science and one humanities. Nothing about cooking at all.

Those I know who were taught to cook at school in home ec courses got taught recipes not science. Rote learning. I guess you had a pro science home ec teacher. BTW I suspect we were at school in similar years.

I left school in 1967, I've never been taught to cook, I was in a boys school and we were taught, woodwork, metalwork, horticulture and agriculture, the girls did the home economics stuff in the girls school down the road.
But is that how most people learn to cook? Most things learnt will come from someone teaching it or recipes followed from a book or website. Not many do home economics, our school didn't do it at all. Maths, English, modern language plus 5 other subjects that must include one science and one humanities. Nothing about cooking at all.

Those I know who were taught to cook at school in home ec courses got taught recipes not science. Rote learning. I guess you had a pro science home ec teacher. BTW I suspect we were at school in similar years.

Home Ec was compulsory till I was 14. Mind, I *did* go to a girls public school, so maybe my experiences aren't the mainstream. Also, my mum trained in a professional kitchen. She taught me how to cook, largely without recipes, and that's still how I roll today. The exceptions were things like soufflés and cakes, where you DO need to get the proportion of ingredients right else they won't rise.

I started out by helping mum in the kitchen ever since I was old enough to hold a spoon and stir something. By the time I was seven, I was baking my own cakes and could cook a basic meal. But mum also included instructions on how things work the way they do.

When I dropped Home Ec at GCSE level in '89, my teacher was most disappointed. But I wanted to do engineering, so yeah...


Charming but somewhat feckless
I think they should call it 'More or Fewer' - just for the grammar pedants.

Any self-respecting grammar pedant ought to know that less had been used for countable nouns for nearly a thousand years, until one grammarian, Robert Baker, voiced his opinion that using fewer “would be more elegant”.

It was just an opinion and is now, mistakenly, regarded as a rule.

Anyway, shouldn’t it be ‘Greater or Fewer’? 🙂


Making my way slowly uphill
It would be interesting to know whether anyone's doing any research into whether it's possible to influence the "motivation to process scientific evidence in an identity-protective fashion".

I think what you describe is Confirmation Bias? There is a paper summarising studies into how to help debunk conspiracy theories generated online


All at sea⛵
And while we're on the subject of nutters what about other contestants for the 'Nurse he's out of bed again' awards.
This character claims that a UFO came down in Italy towards the end of WW2. The Americans brought it from Musolini and the Vatican was in on it. All hushed up by the US of course.

Cries out for a Channel 5 special 11 part series
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