So the £4k Marin weighs the same as my 30 year old 501 framed Raleigh MTB that owes me £20 for the three years I've been riding it.

The Marin will be more draggy too, with having suspension and off-road tyres.
The Marin is obviously more capable in extreme terrain, but for general pootling around it's all wasted. You wouldn't leave one outide a shop or pub where I live and expect it to still be there when you came back!
With semi-slick Swalbe Silento and mixed use Land Cruiser tyres the old Raleigh can be surprisingly quick compared to my hack MTB's running the cheapest and most knobbly Chinese things I have salvaged. Tyre losses when you are comparing knobbly types to anything else are really significant. way more than weight savings and marginal friction reductions from high precision component manufacturing.