RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2015) Anyone?

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I only needed 6 painkillers today to get me round, I'm in tip top condition :biggrin:
I know you really want to do it, but if you needed 6 pain killers for roughly half the distance and half the climbing, should you not be considering your long term health?


Last training run done, quite hard work, but a hilly route to start from home to the bottom of zig zag road. Didn't do the last half a mile of the route, will save that for next Sunday. ;)


My bike got blown over while we were resting at the top of box hill, and I then had a slow run to the headley turn as my brakes had got knocked and were rubbing front and rear!! Wow that was hard work! Also managed to drop my chain which was annoying!

Best bit of the run, top of Wimbledon hill onwards ;)

Looking forward to the closed roads :smile:
And you didn't pop in for a cup of tea :angry:;)

For those that have missed it, the route literally passes the end of my road which will be a kicker on the day ^_^


Legendary Member
And you didn't pop in for a cup of tea :angry:;)

For those that have missed it, the route literally passes the end of my road which will be a kicker on the day ^_^

At the end of Worple road, i have a choice:
Left up Wimbledon hill
Right a mile to home.

In the monsoon, it was tempting
I went round with @vickster today, so I've got some comments on the surfaces.

Generally pretty good, but lots of rough surfaces - old chipping fading away, mostly - so thick gloved recommended. A few small potholes that wouldn't bother you if you rode over them, but a really nasty one just after Putney Hill before the lights that take you into Putney High Street. Watch out for it, but I would hope it would be fixed during the week.

Worple Rd isn't quite finished, but is already lovely.

The A307 through Thames Ditton had a worrying sign "Surface treatment beginning 22/7" (or something like that). Sounds like dressing to me, but there was no sign that work had started, so fingers crossed they are postponing it until August.

Across the River, it was all lovely. I'm sure the last little bit will be fine, too.

Something to remember: when you have finished the last hill, and are passing through Wimbledon village, you only have a little under 10 flat miles to go, with a lovely downhill into Putney. Enjoy it!

Good luck next weekend everyone! It should be fun!
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For those that have missed it, the route literally passes the end of my road which will be a kicker on the day ^_^
Tell us where then as I'm sure you have already planned all the cakes that fellow CC members will be stopping off for on the way past? If you could have a brew or a coffee at the ready for us as well, that would be great ^_^


Tell us where then as I'm sure you have already planned all the cakes that fellow CC members will be stopping off for on the way past? If you could have a brew or a coffee at the ready for us as well, that would be great ^_^
Hah, I wish. Wife and daughter will be heading up to meet me at the finish ^_^
Even better. Just leave some cakes and a couple of flasks where we can find them and get the wife and daughter to have the same ready at the finish as well ^_^


Legendary Member
True, but if heavy rain looks likely I will consider deferring, I'm not taking any chances with my safety. It's going to be hard enough on me as it is
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