RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2015) Anyone?

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South Coast

Freds Dad

Have a safe and good ride everyone.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
Hampton Court in an hour and a half. Wish us luck for the hills...


Über Member
I'm tracking my brother, he is on 128km, I wish that figure was in miles instead as have to keep working it out. He's out to beat my time of 6.22 and he will do it by an hour ish. 75 miles in 4.06. The tracker is very addictive!


Fast start, huge group, touch of wheels a few riders in front and i cant stop in time, bit of a mass pile up. Not too badly injured bloody knee and elbow but nothing serious, bike ok too. The others were mostly ok too i think. Chasing shadows after that and had to put in some serious work in small groups rather than my original strategy of bring sucked along in a huge one conserving energy until the hills then putting the hammer down after Box Hill. Finished with 4.19, not too bad all things considered. I wasnt going to enter next year but feel like i now have unfinished business!

Special mention to the marshals, first aid and mavic guys very quick in coming over to the accident and sorting things out. Dishonourable mention to the riders making their way to the start along the closed route. Do they have any idea how stupid they are riding (some 2 or 3 abreast!) towards a group of over 200 riders going along at over 30mph, really lucky there wasnt a major accident in that first few miles.


I'm hearing from riders passing Leatherhead that Leith Hill has been closed because of a spate of accidents? Hope everyone is OK.
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