RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2015) Anyone?

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WAy down under
Apparently the person who had a heart attack on Leith Hill didn't make it. If that info is right :sad:
That's very sad if true. As well as the two ambulances we saw, there were at least two other accident victims being attended to, all on downhill sections. It was a bit hairy going down some of the steeper bits with that number of riders going at different speeds. Weather conditions were perfect so I dread to think what it would have been like in the rain.


Active Member
Very happy with 5.52 (5.59 official), much dryer than last year. Thumbs down must go to the hundreds of riders who just dropped their gel/snack wrappers. Not a good advert for cycling.


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
I need to train properly next time! Hamstring cramp kept coming and going for the last 20 odd miles... Not nice. Garmin says 22.4 avg so quite pleased overall. Should a sat in more though... Stupid boy

Edit: 4:36 official. Still annoyed at myself for not riding more conservatively in the middle section!
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I write this from hospital bed as one of the crashees. I am awaiting some knee surgery tomorrow courtesy of a bloke who took me out in Dorking on the big left hander. Despite my steady line he came from behind, wacked my bars out of my hands and rode off without stopping. Bike damaged, hopefully locked up bt the marshals as ambulance crew couldn't take it. Knee split wide open, plus the usual elbow, back and jersey damage. Battery on smartphone running out on phone so hope I can blag a charger to keep up with who else pranged. At least I'll recover, I feel for the guy who died on the hill, plus his poor family.


I write this from hospital bed as one of the crashees. I am awaiting some knee surgery tomorrow courtesy of a bloke who took me out in Dorking on the big left hander. Despite my steady line he came from behind, wacked my bars out of my hands and rode off without stopping. Bike damaged, hopefully locked up bt the marshals as ambulance crew couldn't take it. Knee split wide open, plus the usual elbow, back and jersey damage. Battery on smartphone running out on phone so hope I can blag a charger to keep up with who else pranged. At least I'll recover, I feel for the guy who died on the hill, plus his poor family.


Über Member
Sunny Surbiton
pfft!official time 6:41, strava moving time of 5:54 which is reasonable but got taken out overtaking someone, rolled the tyre off the rim, bent rear derailleur, two bloody knees and skinned elbow - could have been worse.

if I ever see another fig roll, it'll be too soon - I hate figs.

Got a free post 'race' massage thanks to Cancer Research UK - which was nice.

Bonus of the day, my wife met me at the end of our road with the neighbours and home made sausage rolls.

Oh and some guy knocked my bike over at Newlands while I was getting water, then someone else ran over my sunglasses.
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Legendary Member
I write this from hospital bed as one of the crashees. I am awaiting some knee surgery tomorrow courtesy of a bloke who took me out in Dorking on the big left hander. Despite my steady line he came from behind, wacked my bars out of my hands and rode off without stopping. Bike damaged, hopefully locked up bt the marshals as ambulance crew couldn't take it. Knee split wide open, plus the usual elbow, back and jersey damage. Battery on smartphone running out on phone so hope I can blag a charger to keep up with who else pranged. At least I'll recover, I feel for the guy who died on the hill, plus his poor family.

Sorry to hear that. Wishing you well.


Bexley, Kent
That was fun. I think I'm only going to do rides on closed roads from now on. 5'24 rolling for me, would have been sub six hours elapsed had it not been for the hour delay at Leith Hill. Very sad news from there. Good road discipline in evidence around me most of the time. One or two nobbers as usual, but nothing serious, although I do wish people would hold their line round the corners.

Top tip: the petrol station at the end of Dorking High street sells a decent turkey sandwich. And there's a proper toilet. Much better than all the faffing at the hubs. Although that and a bottle of Pepsi Max just before Box Hill might not have been the best plan :laugh:


Bexley, Kent
I write this from hospital bed as one of the crashees. I am awaiting some knee surgery tomorrow courtesy of a bloke who took me out in Dorking on the big left hander. Despite my steady line he came from behind, wacked my bars out of my hands and rode off without stopping. Bike damaged, hopefully locked up bt the marshals as ambulance crew couldn't take it. Knee split wide open, plus the usual elbow, back and jersey damage. Battery on smartphone running out on phone so hope I can blag a charger to keep up with who else pranged. At least I'll recover, I feel for the guy who died on the hill, plus his poor family.

Ouch, get well soon.


Legendary Member
Yep but not due to accidents. I've just finished and heard that they closed Leith Hill because someone had a cardiac arrest and he was diabetic but they weren't sure if that played a part.

They also said that he was quite big but I don't know if that has any bearing on recovery.

Someone said that one of the people they know was waiting for at least 40 minutes.

Let's hope he is OK.

I was maybe 10/20 bikes after him, and he was already in recovery position with serious shouts of "we need a medic" from those helping him.

Big, well built yes, but not overly so.

My wife was on of the last to follow the Leith hill route ad was stood waiting for 90 minutes while the air ambulance did its thing.

Rumour was at the end that he had died.


Legendary Member
I can't find any news about the incident on leith hill, where are folks getting the information from?


I can't find any news about the incident on leith hill, where are folks getting the information from?
I was waiting to watch the pros finish and got talking to some other people who said they were told by the Police. Someone else on the train said he passed away.

If you notice, I have always said "apparently" or equilivant so it could be wrong and that multiple people have heard the wrong thing.


No official statement has been released yet.

To be honest, let's not speculate anymore until it is confirmed either way.


I write this from hospital bed as one of the crashees. I am awaiting some knee surgery tomorrow courtesy of a bloke who took me out in Dorking on the big left hander. Despite my steady line he came from behind, wacked my bars out of my hands and rode off without stopping. Bike damaged, hopefully locked up bt the marshals as ambulance crew couldn't take it. Knee split wide open, plus the usual elbow, back and jersey damage. Battery on smartphone running out on phone so hope I can blag a charger to keep up with who else pranged. At least I'll recover, I feel for the guy who died on the hill, plus his poor family.


That was fun. I think I'm only going to do rides on closed roads from now on. 5'24 rolling for me, would have been sub six hours elapsed had it not been for the hour delay at Leith Hill. Very sad news from there. Good road discipline in evidence around me most of the time. One or two nobbers as usual, but nothing serious, although I do wish people would hold their line round the corners.

Top tip: the petrol station at the end of Dorking High street sells a decent turkey sandwich. And there's a proper toilet. Much better than all the faffing at the hubs. Although that and a bottle of Pepsi Max just before Box Hill might not have been the best plan :laugh:
Now you tell us ;)
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