RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2015) Anyone?

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Yep but not due to accidents. I've just finished and heard that they closed Leith Hill because someone had a cardiac arrest and he was diabetic but they weren't sure if that played a part.

They also said that he was quite big but I don't know if that has any bearing on recovery.

Someone said that one of the people they know was waiting for at least 40 minutes.

Let's hope he is OK.


I did see a few other accidents and another air ambulance but not sure if it was for the ride.

Kind of a ride of three parts for me. A fast(ish) start trying not to to burn matches for the hills which leads on to, you guessed it, the hills.

Surprisingly I felt very good and apart from almost coming a cropper on Newlands as the person in me decided it was the time to not be able to find a gear and almost came to a complete stop :rolleyes: leaving me almost no where to go.

Leith Hill was interesting with everyone else and it was just a case of grinding away as there was little opportunity to move to get past.

Then it was Box Hill and that woke the legs up! I knew it was there, but that sudden incline after the descent through Headley was, erm, a pain in the bum!

Then it was on to the third part and when it wasn't going up, another fast(ish) push to the finish. I worked out that I could come in around 6h30 (moving) so it started to hurt ^_^

Not sure what my chip time is but I don't really care as I seemed to have the bladder of a pregnant woman :blush: and I stopped at all three hubs and one drinks station. Not sure why though as I wasn't really drinking even though I knew I wasn't drinking which was a worry :sad:

So considering everything, I'm happy with 6:27 (I think) and that should also be the fasted I have ever done a ride over 100km :smile:

It was very well organised and I hope everyone who I saw on the ground (and any others) having medical treatment make a full recovery.


WAy down under
Finished just before 4 (8.:33 start) which was well earlier than I expected. Was held up a couple of times by ambulances attending injuries. Hope all are ok. Otherwise a great ride.


It's a bit more complicated than that...

96.3 miles. Something meant that they had closed the main Leith Hill road and we were sent across the shoulder instead


It's a bit more complicated than that...
Oh. Riding time a bit over 7 hours, total amount 7:50.

If I'd read about @swansonj and his flapjacks before Leatherhead rather than in Green Park it might have helped! A coffee and a flapjack would have hit the spot!


Oh. Riding time a bit over 7 hours, total amount 7:50.

If I'd read about @swansonj and his flapjacks before Leatherhead rather than in Green Park it might have helped! A coffee and a flapjack would have hit the spot!
The quantity of flapjacks remaining is diminishing rapidly. It's exhausting work, sitting in your drive watching thousands of cyclists going by....

Well done.


Active Member
Expected to do around 6 hours 30 so amazed that I did it in 5 25, including two toilet stops, a drink stop and a stop at the top of Box Hill to take a picture as it was so lovely and I've not been there before.

Watching the pros now and keep saying I've just been there!

Amazing day.


South Coast
managed it in 5.24, was aiming for 6 hours



Legendary Member
Back at the hotel. Got stuck at the bottom of Leith Hill for 45 minutes! They eventually let us continue in waves which meant walking up a third of it.


Finished at 2.18 which meant a strava time of 6hrs and an official time of 6:24 ^_^ An hour/hour and a half quicker than expected.

Lots of accidents by the look of it and yes there was a heart attack on Leith Hill, 3 doctors were working on him as I walked past :sad: Hope he survived. Just read @sleaver . :sad:

Chronic cramp at Kingston and again on Embankment but made it.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
How strange. I was sitting eating fish and chips watching you drape that medal over your handle bars and taking the photo !
You probably also saw my embarrassing struggle trying to stand up again afterwards.
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