RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2015) Anyone?

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One of the 64K
Good luck one & all for Sunday. We will be cruising around the free cycle tomorrow.

I've seen someone in full Team Sky kit and I'm not talking about just jersey and shorts. He also had a team helmet and blue (yep, the correct blue) Oakleys. I think they were also team socks as well.

If that wasn't enough, he also had a Dogma in team colours and the Dura Ace wheels as well.

Last years RL86 I saw a guy on an Armstrong replica in full Livestrong kit. Topped everything for dedication for me (like it or not his colours were on the mast there.)

Want to hear people's oddest sight come Monday.


WAy down under
Well, that's me set up for Sunday :smile:

2015-07-31 17.53.02.jpg


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Yes but note that depending on how you are getting there, there are engineering works on the Jubilee line tomorrow between Stratford and North Greenwich. Best check TFL website

We'll actually be going to and from Stratford so that doesn't affect me, but thanks for the heads up anyhoot. :smile:


I've decided that there is a 99.9% chance I won't carry a rain jacket with me on the ride. I'll probably just have arm warmers and a gillet with me as I get cold easily which may be a problem at the crack of dawn.

So, now I've said that, Sod's law it will rain ^_^


Best go to maplin and buy some. You should have some for emergencies anyhow ;)
I always have a pack in the car ^_^ As you say you never know when they will come in handy.


Legendary Member
@ Excel

Leyzene lights and other kit at real knockdown prices - cnc track pump @£30!!, buggers had sold out today, but more stock tomorrow,, but lights and pumps etc in plentiful stock at vvv good prices

High 5 bars/gels etc at very good prices.box of 25 bars@£15, "race box of £20 plus worth of gels/vars/powders @£5

Wiggle: be careful, tills do not show the ticketed prices of some items the £23 gloves i wanted scanned @£30


Bexley, Kent
I've decided that there is a 99.9% chance I won't carry a rain jacket with me on the ride. I'll probably just have arm warmers and a gillet with me as I get cold easily which may be a problem at the crack of dawn.

So, now I've said that, Sod's law it will rain ^_^
I'm thinking the same. I hate carrying stuff I don't really need.


Not sure how much I will be on here tomorrow so I'll say good luck to everyone taking part now.

If this is your first time or your worried about the distance, if you have done the training or are at a point where you can "wing it", then you should have nothing to worry about.

Just do what you are used to and don't worry what anyone may think as we all have our own way of doing things and reasons why.

Just go out there, enjoy the day, take in the atmosphere and before you know it, you'll be on The Mall with a medal around your neck ^_^
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