RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2015) Anyone?

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As I'm in a cynical frame of mind, to you think those road-elves would still be tucked up in bed if there wasn't a certain UCI 1.HC categorised race being shown on TV across the world with World Tour teams (along with others) with world class riders taking part :whistle:

I can say this with some authority. It looks to me like the Classic leaves the park at Ham Gate, but they were fixing the road beyond that.

So it's for you guys.


On the other hand, one evening earlier this week, Whitedown Hill was closed with some serious road laying plant in evidence, and I'm pretty sure that is on the pro route not the public one.




I brought some last year but not sure where they are now. Good to know though considering I have to leave the hotel before sunrise :cursing::tired::smile:

Did they have C02 cartridges as well? Need to stock up on those after I thought it would be a good idea to try and use one with a presta valve still screwed in :banghead:
Yep. Think it was £10 for a pack


It's a bit more complicated than that...

I've just looked properly at the route, having noticed road closure signs in unexpected places. Last year we were sent along the horror that is Upper Thames Street - the worst wind tunnel* in London and a grim nightmare of concrete. This year we get Eastcheap and Holborn Viaduct - far prettier and lighter, and roads which I know very well indeed. If I were in the office on Sunday instead of on a bike I'd be able to wave at myself from out of my own office window.

*Earlier this year I saw a temporary set of traffic lights set in a concrete base that had been blown over.


Legendary Member
I forgot to do the transport booking form, which i believe closed 10 days ago.

Will this be a problem?
Phone them asap in the morning. When are you registering?


I forgot to do the transport booking form, which i believe closed 10 days ago.

Will this be a problem?
Possibly as the email says your entry is not complete without it. I would contact them as soon as possible or speak to someone at the registration desks.


Well, that's me registered and my number is even higher than what has been posted so far but they go up to 50,000+.

Just out of interest, does only one know where the small bump is after you have descended Holmbury into Forest Green but before Leigh Hill? I know it isn't the one just before you turn onto Leith as that doesn't go down again.

It's insignificant but since it caught my eye on the big map by the stage, it's annoying me :smile:
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