RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2015) Anyone?

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I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Try not to think or worry about it. For Velothon Wales I was in the penultimate group to start and I was worried but made it around just fine.

Riding in groups does wonders with your speed :okay:

Just enjoy the day, take it all in and I bet you even eat cakes without even knowing it :smile:

Speaking of cake, why does a cycling forum not have a cake emoticon :sad:

Speaking of which, I've always tended to ride alone in these events, but see these trains going past at varying speeds, even the slower ones I doubt I would be able to catch the tail end of on my own, so not sure how folks manage to tag a group.


Speaking of which, I've always tended to ride alone in these events, but see these trains going past at varying speeds, even the slower ones I doubt I would be able to catch the tail end of on my own, so not sure how folks manage to tag a group.
How many times in the past have you said the same as I did :okay:

I normally just find a wheel and stick with it for a bit if they are going the same speed as me but I don't take the piss and will either drop off or go past and let them sit in my wheel if they want.

I'm sure people have sat in my wheel as well getting a tow before speeding off.

I was in a group of sorts after about 10k of Velothon Wales until about 40k when it started going upwards and people started going at different speeds. Had a good chat about the Surrey Hills and riding in general. Then people got so spread out that it was basically me and ....... me :laugh:

I did have a convo on that god damn dual carriage way where we were both moaning about how boring that bit was and that we were both getting fed up with hills :laugh:


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
How many times in the past have you said the same as I did :okay:

I normally just find a wheel and stick with it for a bit if they are going the same speed as me but I don't take the piss and will either drop off or go past and let them sit in my wheel if they want.

I'm sure people have sat in my wheel as well getting a tow before speeding off.

I was in a group of sorts after about 10k of Velothon Wales until about 40k when it started going upwards and people started going at different speeds. Had a good chat about the Surrey Hills and riding in general. Then people got so spread out that it was basically me and ....... me :laugh:

I did have a convo on that god damn dual carriage way where we were both moaning about how boring that bit was and that we were both getting fed up with hills :laugh:

Still having nightmares about that dual carriageway! The first was bearable, but after the roundabout seeing (I swear) the EXACT SAME ONE again was almost too much, saved by the nice folks on the bridges giving support!

I spent the first 20-30km sat with my two cycling buddies behind a couple of nice gentlemen chatting comfortably at 19mph in (iirc) BHF shirts. Dropped back to have a brief chat with a local who knew the roads, but that was about it. Was me and the friend who didn't drop us at the tumble for the rest of the ride! :biggrin:


Kilometre nibbler
The closed roads and event athmosphere do add quite a bit to your speed. That said I got a specially negotiated early start for Velo Wales and still trailed in right at the end.


Still having nightmares about that dual carriageway!
I start looking at my Garmin at times like that which doesn't help. I can still remember seeing


I have to admit though, while the support was sparse in places, credit to the people who did get out to support us.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
08:24 start time for the tandem.

Based on last year, (a) most of it is flat. There are 4 and a half hills, of which we missed two last year. And (b) speeds are much faster than you expect, because you don't need to worry about traffic and the momentum of other riders and the support carries you through. Last year, despite a 40 minute delay in Richmond Park for a crash and a 30 minute pee stop we finished in seconds over 7 hours. Adding the extra 14 miles won't add an extra hour.


@srw What are you counting as the 4 1/2 hills? Newlands, Leith, Box are the main three then Richmond Park and Wimbledon?

While it is mostly flat, I would say that it is fairer to say that it is rolling terrain in Surrey for those who don't know the area.

The incline up past Holmbury St Mary before Leith Hill, while not steep, does go on for a few kilometres. I would say this is more challenging than Richmond Park due to the length and the distance covered before it.


Kilometre nibbler
So that was you I saw outside the pub was it ^_^
No but we did have an extended coffee and ice cream break at the top of the hill in Caerphilly :smile:


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
@srw What are you counting as the 4 1/2 hills? Newlands, Leith, Box are the main three then Richmond Park and Wimbledon?

While it is mostly flat, I would say that it is fairer to say that it is rolling terrain in Surrey for those who don't know the area.

The incline up past Holmbury St Mary before Leith Hill, while not steep, does go on for a few kilometres. I would say this is more challenging than Richmond Park due to the length and the distance covered before it.

There are a few steeper little climbs up through Oxshot towards Esher that I would say betters the Holmbury climb. Just little ramps really but probably enough to tire less fit legs at it's mileage. Wimbledon, and to a lesser extent Kingston Hill is always a bit of a kicker to those who aren't expecting it too.

That said the whole route is childsplay compared to the back 40 miles in Velothon Wales. Leith is really the only major challenge I would say.


08:24 start time for the tandem.

Based on last year, (a) most of it is flat. There are 4 and a half hills, of which we missed two last year. And (b) speeds are much faster than you expect, because you don't need to worry about traffic and the momentum of other riders and the support carries you through. Last year, despite a 40 minute delay in Richmond Park for a crash and a 30 minute pee stop we finished in seconds over 7 hours. Adding the extra 14 miles won't add an extra hour.
Doesn't count there were two of you :laugh:


@srw What are you counting as the 4 1/2 hills? Newlands, Leith, Box are the main three then Richmond Park and Wimbledon?

While it is mostly flat, I would say that it is fairer to say that it is rolling terrain in Surrey for those who don't know the area.

The incline up past Holmbury St Mary before Leith Hill, while not steep, does go on for a few kilometres. I would say this is more challenging than Richmond Park due to the length and the distance covered before it.
Oo, dunno. You can slip down to an easy 14mph to save energy?


There are a few steeper little climbs up through Oxshot towards Esher that I would say betters the Holmbury climb. Just little ramps really but probably enough to tire less fit legs at it's mileage. Wimbledon, and to a lesser extent Kingston Hill is always a bit of a kicker to those who aren't expecting it too.

That said the whole route is childsplay compared to the back 40 miles in Velothon Wales. Leith is really the only major challenge I would say.
The ramp to the Bear always gets me, absolutely nothing but there you go! Coombs lane will be a surprise to those who don't know it and Wimbledon hill is an absolute PITA
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