RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2015) Anyone?

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Sounds like there's a fair amount of standing around at the start?
There is once your in you pen. I just sat on my bike though.....well the top tube.


One of the 64K
No email for me yet either.

Nooooo! I won't make it round without a bacon roll!!

Sounds like there's a fair amount of standing around at the start?
I found it very odd. I thought I'd left myself loads of time, then by the time I'd got through the traffic around the venue, and circumnavigated the whole thing to find my start pen I joined the pen around 5 minutes after the window. We then shuffled for around 45 minutes which kind of gave you just enough time to get bored and decide to fiddle with something, but not quite enough time to actually fiddle with something without being rushed to shuffle again. When I decided I'd use the loo one last time I came out to find everyone had moved on again. So you do waste a lot of time, but it seemed to go relatively quickly.

There was food right at the start of things when you got to the venue (but I'd had porridge or something at home and didn't want to eat anyway so don't know what it was) once you got further in to the venue it disappeared, from my recollection, and by the time I was at the pens the only thing there was the odd portaloo.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Still waiting for my email too. :sad:

Maybe my memory fails me, but I thought we got our wave times in a physical pack through the letterbox?


Well-Known Member
Got my email yesterday!
07:00 start in the Pink zone.

I remember coffee places and some snacks available at the start, but i just had a bananna.

I even bought a new helmet after forgeting mine at home :sad: (got out of the cab near venue and nearly cried until I thought about the fact they probably sell stuff at the venue) thank go they did


Über Member
Sunny Surbiton
received by email: 7:12 Green ^_^
Although I haven't visitied CC for literally years :whistle:, I'm bloody glad I did. I didn't get a ballot place but am riding on behalf of Cancer Research but nowhere have I seen mention until skimming this thread that registration has to take place on site a day or 2 before hand, I work in London so shouldn't be a problem.
After doing some research today on transport options, I've come to the conclusion that I'll have to get a cab to Greenwich & ride the last 5 miles - public transport doesn't start till later, local hotels are either full or seem to have bumped up their prices somewhat (grrr!) but I'll get a decent evening meal and breakfast.

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One of the 64K
received by email: 7:12 Green ^_^
Although I haven't visitied CC for literally years :whistle:, I'm bloody glad I did. I didn't get a ballot place but am riding on behalh of Cancer Research but nowhere have I seen mention until skimming this thread that registration has to take place on site a day or 2 before hand, I work in London so shouldn't be a problem.

Registration is at Excel. It'll tell you in the final magazine thing they send out I believe. I think they are open Thursday evening, Friday and Saturday for registration, I met up with my wife by the Anchor & Hope pub and we took the cable car over with our bikes, picked up the pack and spent 45 minutes wandering the show (it wasn't big, I bought some Pearl Izumi gloves on sale) before cable car and cycle back to the motor. Stays open to 8 or 9 I think (probably 8 so I'd check if you're going over there late).


Last year I wasn't successful in the ballot and so got a "commiserations" magazine but still got the "finial instructions" magazine in the post as I got a charity place so I wouldn't worry.

You do need it though as it contains a letter that you have to take to registration and sign in front of them.


Still waiting for my email too. :sad:
Same here, however I seem to have managed to receive a "newsletter" from them :rolleyes:
Maybe my memory fails me, but I thought we got our wave times in a physical pack through the letterbox?
I saw on either Twiiter of Facebook them saying that we would find out via the magazine unless we were overseas. Then people start saying they found out by email anyway.


Perhaps This One.....
Apparently I'm Orange, starting at 0833hrs. This in spite of the fact that I have rolled my place over to next year due to ill health....


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Looks like they are having a real issue with this new fangled thing people are calling "Electronic Mail". Loads saying they haven't had one, and after ringing, still havent had one.

I'm still waiting...

DID get my final instructions though! Rider number 5688 :smile:

Anybody heard if there is a bike collection service like TNT did 2 years ago? Was this a thing last year?


WAy down under
I'm still waiting and haven't had anything apart from normal weekly email. My friend got his email on Wednesday...

No sooner had I posted this then my booklet came through the door and my email appeared :smile:
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Senior Member
I just got mine - Orange 06:21 - which is both meanly early and overly specific. I also seem to have found myself at the beginning of July and having done no training whatsoever....Ooops.
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