RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2015) Anyone?

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Active Member
The email has been received, be there between 6 12 and 6 42 and a 7 18 start from the yellow area. So I estimate leaving Bromley at 5 30, drop off at Blackwall and a five mile ride in.


Got an email as well and apparently I'm starting on the 30/12/1899!

If the rest can be believed, I'm in start Blue K. Load time open is 05:36 with a close of 06:06 :ohmy:

Start is 06:42 :ohmy:

Oh, and I'm staying in the Premier Inn at ExCel so have a 5km ride to get there :ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:

What was I thinking when I filled in my predicted time :wacko:


South Coast
I havent had anything though yet!
Hoping I havent got a too early start time as have deiced to ride the 30 miles to the start! Am also riding the 20 miles home, so will be Ride London 150 for me!!!


Kilometre nibbler
I havent had anything though yet!
Hoping I havent got a too early start time as have deiced to ride the 30 miles to the start! Am also riding the 20 miles home, so will be Ride London 150 for me!!!
I know your plan. You're just padding it out to 200k to ensure that you get an extra point in the metric century a month challenge! ;)


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Got email now, Orange, Wave M, 7.39am start time.

An hour later than last time out. hey ho.

EDIT: A complete lie. It's a whole 12 minutes later than last time!


5:15am load time with a 6:09 start. I've got a 25ish mile ride to the start, so that's a 3.00-3.15am alarm!!!


5:15am load time with a 6:09 start. I've got a 25ish mile ride to the start, so that's a 3.00-3.15am alarm!!!
No point going to bed :smile:

Hmm, 6:42 load, 7:54 start, Green Area, Wave C.

That give me what? 9 and a half hours? ^_^
I start just about as your loading so I have about 10 hours. Im guessing I'll be with some fast riders so that could be fun ...........I think :smile:


One of the 64K
I love the way all the faster riders have gone "100 miles, pah! That's nothing, I'll ride there first and everything, it's only 25 miles" and then getting crack of sparrow fart start times because of how fast they are expected to go. It's a mean love, but it's there.

Best of luck to all of you in a months time.
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@w00hoo_kent if it wasn't for the fact that it would possibly cause no end of problems and some people complaining, I actually think the slower riders should go first.

They are the ones who need the time but they have the worry of not being quick enough. Where as the ones who can complete it with plenty of time to spare can just take it easy if they wish.

During Velothon Wales, I went past one pub and I could have sworn there were riders sitting outside having a beer or two but they probably went off early and took their time knowing they do that distance all the time. Whereas the slower riders who were doing it as a personal challenge were racing the broom wagon.

P.S. After RideLondon 86 last year, I still haven't done 100 miles in one ride :okay:


WAy down under
@w00hoo_kent if it wasn't for the fact that it would possibly cause no end of problems and some people complaining, I actually think the slower riders should go first.

They are the ones who need the time but they have the worry of not being quick enough. Where as the ones who can complete it with plenty of time to spare can just take it easy if they wish.

During Velothon Wales, I went past one pub and I could have sworn there were riders sitting outside having a beer or two but they probably went off early and took their time knowing they do that distance all the time. Whereas the slower riders who were doing it as a personal challenge were racing the broom wagon.
Being one of the slower riders I have to agree. I can understand why the faster riders start earlier but I have an 8:33 start which means I'll be constantly checking my times to make sure I'm ahead of schedule. It made me smile when I read in the ride guide about stopping for cakes at village cake stalls!


Being one of the slower riders I have to agree. I can understand why the faster riders start earlier but I have an 8:33 start which means I'll be constantly checking my times to make sure I'm ahead of schedule. It made me smile when I read in the ride guide about stopping for cakes at village cake stalls!
Try not to think or worry about it. For Velothon Wales I was in the penultimate group to start and I was worried but made it around just fine.

Riding in groups does wonders with your speed :okay:

Just enjoy the day, take it all in and I bet you even eat cakes without even knowing it :smile:

Speaking of cake, why does a cycling forum not have a cake emoticon :sad:
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