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Diet starts tomorrow
Powys, Wales
How was the ride this am, no fun?
Yeah, nice to have it out the way. Was tough, don’t think my legs were recovered from Thursday. And my turbo was playing up a bit.


Diet starts tomorrow
Powys, Wales
So just like that?


How was the ride this am, no fun?
Not good, a ride too many trying to get to my goal of 2000 kms this month. The struggle was going to be too much of a struggle so for once i got off and will do two rides tomorrow to get the goal.


OK, so Tacx had gone beserk this morning and wouldn't let me play. It has gone back to challenging me for my login creds repeatedly. So I had a bash at RGT. It's a while since I used it. My free lockdown premium status has gone, which is fair enough. I went round the Cap Formentor course.

A few questions ...

It seemed a bit unnaturally easy. I seemed to have found an extra 20 watts or so (or else it was reading high). I was cruising at power levels that I would expect to have me blowing quite hard. The hill experience wasn't as tough as I expected - I'd see my avatar slow right down and notice I was on an 8% grade, but the pedals didn't get stiffer and I wasn't forced to change down. I did the whole ride in the upper ranges and the big ring. Is there some secret mega-boost that I have unwittingly set? I have "feedback intensity" set to 100% Perhaps I had erg mode on. Or off. Or something. I can't remember how to check that.

I noticed sometimes the power level on my phone would sometimes go out of sync with the screen. Sometimes my name would go red. Is that due to network problems (my wifi isn't the greatest).

Every now and then a chat window opened up, but it was all too small for me to read, especially with sweat all over my glasses. I hope I wasn't rudely ignoring people. I have no idea how I could have replied anyway.
Was your power paired to the power output of the smart trainer or the smart trainer itself?

I had exactly the same and I had paired to the wrong thing in power


Er ... I don't know. I paired the phone up with the trainer ... how can I tell?

THanks for a quick answer btw
Once you're set up, click.on the power in the top left of the phone app and see what options you've got. My turbo presents Power and Turbo. Both send the power output to RGT, but only Trainer changes the resistance on the turbo.

I'll try and grab a screen shot in a moment


Senior Member
Ok team letters are out for Monday night's two up race, we need to add our team letter to the end of our name, dunno why but hey the organiser wants us to. @AndyMacca and @berty bassett you are team C for crap, @shimceltic and @Add you are team D for drunk and @kipster you and I are Team E for Excellent.
I'm all signed up for Monday with a name change, team Crap works for me the C is my age category too. 👍

Apologies in advance @berty bassett for my new found lack of pace but I'll do my best.

No collision braking - nice!
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