I'm starting to plan ahead and hope to retire around 60. By then I'll have put 32 years into a teacher's pension, along with a small private pension plus 'alternative' pension scheme. SWMBO will have an NHS pension as well although she's part-time.
The basic plan is to use that, plus working 2 or so days a week, until the state pension kicks in as well - if it ever does.
Hopefully that should put a decent pension from me and a bit from her into the coffers along with a couple of lump sums. Enough for a decent bike
An update to this post given the thread's moved on more pages and 4 years:
Retirement/ going part-time is planned for 60 1/2, with SWMBO now full-time plus and running her own company. She can do what she wishes but is probably retiring after me since she's very profession-focused.
By 60 1/2 the pension should be around £27k pa index-linked for the main one [I've the 'best' option available between a combination of final and career-average salary], plus £2k pa for another three combined pensions. Two days a week teaching / doing other stuff should tide me over until the state pension kicks in at 67. And there'll be a lump sum of around £80k.
SWMBO's pension will be less, around £16-20k pa index-linked, but if she continues working that'll build up since she's supposed to retire at 60, quite a bit before me as she's older. Also, her company is doing OK as well so that'll keep her busy until her state pension comes in at 67 as well. Her lump sum isn't bad at £40k estimated.
Overall it looks like we'll be OK. We put money away into savings each month for both of our sons to cover their university/car/travel/house fees so aren't funding son no. 1 now he's 21 and at university, and son no. 2 will get his fund next year when we'll stop putting money into the fund. No mortgage, no major expenses on the horizon and although we
do need to replace both our cars we buy outright and never spend a huge amount.
This year we'll be doing more detailed financial planning to bung some cash into investments rather than bikes