Check this out VERY carefully - if in any doubt get advise from a professional
My Dad had a pension that would, he was told, provide for himself and my Mum until the last one died
The way it worked was that he paid in until he retired then the money went into an annuity with the same company
As my Dad was badly injured during the war (it was a miracle I ever came to exist!!!) he assumed that he would be the first to shuffle off
When he was looking at retirement he discovered - via his accountant - that the annuity died when he did
My Mum would be left with naff all
He went rather medieval with the company and got them to give him all the money in order to shut him up - at the time that was not automatically an option
He then invested it via an IFA firm that specialised in retirement funds and it all worked out OK
but if he had retired before checking my Mum could have had problems
'luckily' she died first - by a few months only - so it wouldn;t have mattered - but that was 1/4 century later and the crystal ball was not working so they had to plan for all eventualities
so it is a case of check check check and then check again
and get it all in writing
Hope it all works out
I firmly agree with checking things - heck, even a company like Aviva will have literally hundreds of different schemes, partly through acquisitions over many years, and older ones will have been created to rules long since gone!
A pension for someone injured during the war (& I am a similar miracle - my father was sunk at Dunkirk 3 times, & into his 50s when I came along 🤪) is a very old scheme….and when you describe taking an annuity - well, they will all have their own rules (for what happens on death, growth rates, etc etc).
In general, it is fair to say that DC (defined contribution) schemes
can be passed on to a person (or people) of your choosing.
If the schemes are online, you can often nominate those beneficiaries for yourself. My oldest scheme is a modest DB local authority one, now online…, even if they are not online, a lot of scheme administrators will respond to questions fine, without the need for any paid professional advice.
But yes: check, check & check again, & if you want to pay someone to do that checking, that is your prerogative 👍