OK, here's one for you:
Opposite my work is a cycle path across a junction - the lights are phased so that any cyclists going straight ahaid parallel to the main road will be crossing when
(1) Traffic from the (busy) side road is on a green light - cyclist rides agross the flow of traffic when s/he feels it safe to do so
(2) Traffic along the main road is at green, with a fairly constant stream of traffic turning left across the side road or traffic turning right from the opposite direction. Either way the cyclist has to cross the path of motorised traffic on a green light
There is the sanctuary of an island in the middle
Negotiating that junction by the cycle path is no different to going through a red light carefully - crossing the flow of traffic when a safe gap presents itself. In fact, I would argue that a SAFER method of crossing the junction would be to use the road and jump the red light, allowing crossing of the first half of the junction with zero chance of being left hooked or turned into from the opposite direction, and wait at the island for a safe gap in the same way one would if using the cycle path. It would actually be safer (assuming no pedestrians crossing) than using the road, not taking primary at the light, and leaving the door open for a left hook as the lights change to green)
So if careful red-light-jumping is so bad, why is it effectively designed into a cycle "facility"? (apart from the "farcility" being atrocious of course)
Other point to note this morning - as always at one particular junction a line of about 8 cars went through a clear no-entry sign
In my whole trip 2 cyclists jumped a red
Bloody cyclists, if they had number plates they would get prosecuted like car drivers do(n't)