Really TRUE odd factoids

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Leg End Member

I can see a problem with that straight away. King Uther(Arthur) wasn't from Wales. He, and his crew round the Round Table came from Yorkshire.


South Wales
I can see a problem with that straight away. King Uther(Arthur) wasn't from Wales. He, and his crew round the Round Table came from Yorkshire.

Uther wasn't Arthur. If legends are to be believed, he as Arthur's father.

And there is a lot of debate about where Arthur was from, or if he even existed. But not many versions put him in Yorkshire.


Firm and Fruity
Two of the four women left in the US Open tennis are the daughters of billionaires.
What are the chances of that?
Whilst they will have had the best coaching money can buy, they must also have huge drive and talent.
How many other billionaires daughters are just sitting around on yachts and spending daddy’s cash.


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
I suspect that if you were to graph golfing prowess against disposable income, you might well see some correlation.
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