Really TRUE odd factoids

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Chris S

Legendary Member
Between 1821 and 2021 England's population increased by over 540%. During the same time period Ireland's population (including Northern Ireland) remained more or less constant at around 6.8 to 6.9 million.

Chris S

Legendary Member
France's longest border is shared with Brazil


Chris S

Legendary Member
Uniquely, anyone of any nationality can live and work indefinitely in Svalbard without a visa.

But would they want to? :smile:


South Glos
<boring_maths> All borders are infinitely long </boring_maths>

This refers to the shoreline paradox. If you have any interest in mathematics it's really not boring. Regardless, it doesn't apply.

Georg Cantor proved that infinities are not all the same size. You can argue that the infinitely long Brazil border is longer than the other infinitely long borders but I suspect this doesn't apply. I thought I would mention it anyway if anyone wants to look it up.

More relevant is the fact that real world shorelines are not fractal and have a finite length. Even if you choose to go sub-atomic, you will eventually get down to planck length distances between points. From this, you can get a definitive length of the coastline.

Finally, the shoreline paradox only applies to, errr, shorelines. Normal people don't bother with any of that fractal nonsense so when they make land borders they generally just make a bunch of normal lines between a series of points.
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