Questions you'd like answering, regardless of how trivial they may seem

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Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
I know you're right...but wait till next week and tell me the world isn't brighter.
I'm an early riser, so for me it will be considerably darker for an hour after I get up.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Taken in the lift of my local health centre today. I've posted about this before on CC, but didn't supply a photo. As I did before, I'm asking what'd happen if there actually was a fire at 11 am?! Picture the scene. There's the alarm going of as the building erupts into a scene from The Towering Inferno, but the response is "Ah, it's nothing, they're just testing the alarm".:tired:




a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Taken in the lift of my local health centre today. I've posted about this before on CC, but didn't supply a photo. As I did before, I'm asking what'd happen if there actually was a fire at 11 am?! Picture the scene. There's the alarm going of as the building erupts into a scene from The Towering Inferno, but the response is "Ah, it's nothing, they're just testing the alarm".:tired:

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bearing in mind the test is carried out between 10am and 11am, if the alarm goes off at 11am it'll be an actual fire, so run like hell, wave your arms and shout a lot.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Did anyone ever plan an escape from Broadmoor for ten o'clock Monday morning?


West Yorks
I would think an announcement over the tannoy, that they call patients in with, would be made, asking everyone to evacuate the building


South Wales
Taken in the lift of my local health centre today. I've posted about this before on CC, but didn't supply a photo. As I did before, I'm asking what'd happen if there actually was a fire at 11 am?! Picture the scene. There's the alarm going of as the building erupts into a scene from The Towering Inferno, but the response is "Ah, it's nothing, they're just testing the alarm".:tired:

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Similar sort of thing in most offices, regular weekly fire alarm tests.

Then one week in the office I worked in when I was with BT, they decided to have an unannounced fire drill at that time. Then they complained it took around 3 minutes longer than usual to evacuate the building.


Serious this (not made up).
A guy I worked with told me his wife only allowed him to have sex on Sunday mornings.
So.......technically EVERY Sunday was errrhhh a coming Sunday......but I assure you its true.

I can feel the old, 'church bells/fire engine,' joke coming on. 😂
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Why does my dog go all weird, as in puts his head down and acts like he's under threat when I get my ironing board out, yet doesn't seem at all bothered when I put it away? When I get the thing out I have to say reassuring things to him in a 'softly softly' voice to stop him from cowering, but when I put it away I can make as much noise as I like with the board and he doesn't bat an eyelid! 🤔


Re member eR
Why does my dog go all weird, as in puts his head down and acts like he's under threat when I get my ironing board out, yet doesn't seem at all bothered when I put it away? When I get the thing out I have to say reassuring things to him in a 'softly softly' voice to stop him from cowering, but when I put it away I can make as much noise as I like with the board and he doesn't bat an eyelid! 🤔

He thinks you are going to ask him to do the ironing?
And you know how much he hates that.
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