Questions you'd like answering, regardless of how trivial they may seem

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Why are pensioners called old aged pensioners?

Is it to differentiate them from young aged pensioners?

Past a park home site with the advertising saying retirement living for the over 45's!!🤣🤣🤣

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
2 questions.
I was carrying a standard eg 175ml of wine in the kitchen but dropped it.
A) how does 175 ml miraculously change into at least 700ml ??
B) how can one glass be made up of at least one million fragments ? (I am still picking pieces up)

A) The 175ml of wine would have spilled when it was dropped, so the liquid would have spread and filled a larger area than the original container. This is why it might seem like more than 700ml. B) When a glass shatters, it can create many small fragments that could easily add up to one million. It is also possible that some of the fragments may be too small to see.


Firm and Fruity
Why are pensioners called old aged pensioners?

Is it to differentiate them from young aged pensioners?

Remember a pension is just a term for a sum of money to be paid to a beneficiary who achieves a certain predefined status.
There are different types of pension.
War pension for soldiers
Widow pension for ladies
Private pension schemes that draw down early. For instance my dad retired on a full pension from the police at 49.
So an old age pension is a pension paid when you reach the qualifying age. At that point you might also receive other small discounts for entry to museums etc.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
The angels had curry last night
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Does anyone no anyone that do rubbis removels please

I've just seen and copied the above from a local Facebook page. Do these people know it's poor but think that is acceptable, or do they think their grammar is correct? 🤔


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Who be eating cookies?



More wheels than sense
Does anyone no anyone that do rubbis removels please

I've just seen and copied the above from a local Facebook page. Do these people know it's poor but think that is acceptable, or do they think their grammar is correct? 🤔

Some people simply aren't good with spelling due to dyslexia , poor attendance at school or were having a bad time of it at the age where most of us hardwire our writing skills. The reasons are legion.
Or I could just channel the Fail and witter on about modern day ..... yawn zzzz.
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