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Hello decadence
Doug has just sent me the following DM (and I quote word for word):

Doug: I’ve had a Eurythmics song stuck in my head for days. Really, I’ve had a Eurythmics song stuck in my head for days. No really, I have. Would I lie to you?

(Keeping up the Scottish pop combo theme :laugh:)

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Doug has just sent me the following DM (and I quote word for word):

Doug: I’ve had a Eurythmics song stuck in my head for days. Really, I’ve had a Eurythmics song stuck in my head for days. No really, I have. Would I lie to you?

(Keeping up the Scottish pop combo theme :laugh:)
Rocky is just Wet Wet Wet!
MDB is an expert on my topical cream. And my off-topic strawberries.
Mr Who says they are Strawberries, but I've heard that you can get a nasty infection from a Dalek, regardless of how well you treat them.
Rocky likes to show off his puns on here by telling people that he's a cunning linguist, I can't wait for the tongue twisters.
Steph has to give a speech once a year at an event he is involved with.

Unfortunately, he's a bit dyslexic and told everyone that he was an


Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
MDB bills himself as Dunbartonshire's answer to Sean Connery, he's more 003.5 than 007 though.

Stephec went to see Octopussy at the cinema when it first came out, but was most disappointed, because he was expecting a different kind of film altogether with a name like that!
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