At the point the van driver was duty bound to give way, there was no one to give way to. You crossed your give way markings after he had already stared to do so, and as a 'new' user of that stretch it is you who has to give way to any vehicle already established upon it.
As a general aside, the general manner of riding is not entirely conducive to safe passage. No slowing or defensive positioning as you passed side roads and entry/access points, no moderation of speed when close passing pedestrians (yet wed scream blue murder if a motorist did that to us) and while we cant see for ourselves I'd warrant that observation skills are similarly lacking - certainly the cadence and behaviour of the bike does not suggest a rider taking the time to ensure good obs drills are executed prior to manoeuvring. Indeed, we can be sure they weren't, else you'd have accounted for the presence of that vehicle long before you actually encountered it.
If you're going to criticise a road user for their poor roadcraft one ought to ensure their own is above criticism, else it undermines the entire effort.