Plantar Fasciitis

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Just remembered

A while ago I started to get pains in my feet again - normally only happens when I have old trainers and the heel has collapsed and dropped

but these trainers were only a few months old
I swapped to some different and more solid shoes - which didn;t help

I started trying to walk differently
Now - I should say that I have always walked ratehr "heel heavy" - as in I tend to put my foot down heavily heel first and don;t transfer the weight to the ball of my foot as much as others might
so I started to try to walk differently - using the ball of my foot far more and earlier in my step
and putting less weight onto my heel

It seems to have worked as the pains went and I am still wearing the same trainers over a year later

It is possible that a lot of my problems have been caused by my walking wrongly - I know that I walk with my feet out more than usual but until then I hadn;t realised that I also walked with more pressure and impact on my heel

which could be why my old trainers always collapsed at the heels!

only saying in case it helps someone else
but it could be just me

Again, I could be very wrong but the advice I got was that you absolutely walk heel down first, not a stomp but definitely heel toe.
Again, I could be very wrong but the advice I got was that you absolutely walk heel down first, not a stomp but definitely heel toe.

There is certainly a proper way to walk
my problem is that I don;t tend to walk heel first - but heavily outside of the heel first

many years ago I was walking across a snowy field (there was a pub somewhere ahead) and someone turned and shouted
"whose footprints are those!
They were mine
as someone said - looks like Donald Duck is with us

turns out that I walk with my feet turned much further out that other people
I have never realised that I walk differently to other people

and as my bones are the same as other people then something sometimes goes wrong


Well, I'm back in after a 6 mile walk as I sit for a living WFH.

My feet feel like they are on fire,real agony so I'm really hoping this appointment tomorrow turns up some improvements. 🤞


Do share, please

So, loads of warnings about treatment can be painful and it doesn't work for everyone but currently running at an 85% success rate. First round of treatment wasn't particularly pleasant but no real drama as what felt like a small electric current was used on each foot. Next was more like a pneumatic drill, again came with warnings of pain, but truth is I would have went to sleep if she stopped talking. I instantly felt my feet relax to the point they almost felt normal. I would say the practitioner seemed uneasy with this early success as she kept saying it was really only because mine was so severe that any improvement feels significant.

Either way, I'll take it and look forward to next week.


Legendary Member
Good stuff :smile:


Early Retirement Planning
So, loads of warnings about treatment can be painful and it doesn't work for everyone but currently running at an 85% success rate. First round of treatment wasn't particularly pleasant but no real drama as what felt like a small electric current was used on each foot. Next was more like a pneumatic drill, again came with warnings of pain, but truth is I would have went to sleep if she stopped talking. I instantly felt my feet relax to the point they almost felt normal. I would say the practitioner seemed uneasy with this early success as she kept saying it was really only because mine was so severe that any improvement feels significant.

Either way, I'll take it and look forward to next week.

Fingers (or toes) crossed, hope it works


Legendary Member
So, loads of warnings about treatment can be painful and it doesn't work for everyone but currently running at an 85% success rate. First round of treatment wasn't particularly pleasant but no real drama as what felt like a small electric current was used on each foot. Next was more like a pneumatic drill, again came with warnings of pain, but truth is I would have went to sleep if she stopped talking. I instantly felt my feet relax to the point they almost felt normal. I would say the practitioner seemed uneasy with this early success as she kept saying it was really only because mine was so severe that any improvement feels significant.

Either way, I'll take it and look forward to next week.

How's the foot feeling now?
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