Plantar Fasciitis

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How's the foot feeling now?

I've now had 2 lots and feet are still sore, but it feels like she has chased the pain from aching all over to concentrating on the point of the heel. I get my 3rd session on Friday morning so I'm hopeful as I feel there is an improvement every session. Only time will tell if it will last though and after explaining all this to NHS podiatry, they have promised that they would look to injections if this didn't finally cure it for me instead of wasting even more time going through their usual processes.


Legendary Member
Has she given you pointers on how to avoid coming back / in future?


Has she given you pointers on how to avoid coming back / in future?

Yeah, the usual stretches which are actually working now whereas before nothing helped. I did a session of stretches and rolling and my feet actually felt normal for a short time. It was a revelation.

She did ask me to pick things up with my feet but to be honest, I've yet to try that.


Legendary Member
Mine no better. Stretches, ice, rolly things. Back at the docs Monday, and last time we spoke he was talking about immobilising it with a moon boot thing and giving me crutches so I can keep the weight off it entirely.


Mine no better. Stretches, ice, rolly things. Back at the docs Monday, and last time we spoke he was talking about immobilising it with a moon boot thing and giving me crutches so I can keep the weight off it entirely.

Obviously they know best, but mines was solid and described as basically dead tissue. The shockwave is basically just getting blood flow back which feels to then allows the rolly things to do their job.


So, I received my 6th and final session today and my feet feel amazing when getting the treatment. It really is like getting a really deep tissue massage and I love it. Now sitting at night, my feet feel sore again but I'm reasonably confident they are just tender from all the pummelling they have taken over the past few weeks. The soles of my feet felt solid to the touch, but now they are nice and soft, so I'm confident in the next week or two I will get the real benefit of this treatment. The final bit of advice I received from the physio today was to treat myself to a pair of Hoka trainers. She recommended a shop that I checked out, and the very first pair was like strapping pillows to my feet, but they were slightly too big. I did try a couple of other options but all felt second best, so I've ordered a couple of pair from their own website tonight, so I look forward to getting those.

Not quite the end of the story yet, but hopefully its just a matter of time for the swelling and pain to fade. Can't wait
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