Depression is a terrible, terrible thing.
I watched my poor dad suffer with it for 50 years till his death, and I could never understand what he was going through.....until now.
Sadly my sister took her own life year and she had also suffered in silence for many years, till it came to the point when she felt she had no other to option but to end it all. Its fair to say that it came as a real shock, as no one knew what she was going through. Again, at the time I could not understand why she did it, or even how she could do it.....until now.
When my dad died I went a bit wobbly and was prescribed some drug or other, but I was only on it for a few weeks, then stopped taking them.
For years I have suffered terribly from comfort eating, always have done and always will do I guess?
As it stands at the moment, I feel like I am sinking fast, problems with the job, kids playing up and consistently arguing and fighting. To the point that last week I walked out for a few hours and said at the time that I was moving out.
That's when it all clicked together about my dad and my sister, you cry out for help but no one listens, so you feel like you have no choice but to go to the extreme......there is no other choice, or at least in your head there is no choice.
My choice, or so I thought was to walk away and move out for good. Its fair to add that I love my wife, she is a real star and I would be utterly lost without her. I love both my kids too, and on the whole they are good children and always get glowing school reports, what more could a man want?
After a few tear phone calls from my wife and kids I did return home that night, but things have been awkward (for want of a better word) for a couple of weeks.
I am riding LeJOG in just two weeks time and the plan is to do it in 8 days. While I have been training hard over the last 6 months, the last two weeks have gone to shoot, being quite blunt! My mileage has dropped and I have been stuffing my face like a pratt.
So guess what's happened?
Yep, I have put on half a stone, no surprises there really is there. So know I am really pissed off about that as well.
The place called "Depression" is an evil place to be, and having only poked my nose in there once before I really, really don't want to move in full time.
But when your cry's for help go unnoticed, what do you do.