trio25 said:
I've had a rocky couple of weeks and I think its the weather. The sun is out today and I am feeling good. About to get the bike out and go the long way to work!
I suffer from S.A.D. so this time of year is always difficult but I've been blasting myself with my lightbox to take the edge off it. Despite that, I can hardly remember anything about November, other than the fact that it was very wet, windy and gloomy!
Despite the foul weather I was perked up a bit by a ride with colly, Alun and Crimmey at the weekend. Making the effort to get out and do something certainly helps.
Yes, the sunshine does make a
big difference. It's sunny here today too, and I just got a call asking me out for a hilly walk so today should be okay.
It's less than 3 weeks to the Winter Solstice now, and things always start to feel better after that as the evenings start to lighten again. I don't mind so much about the cold, it's the short wretched gloomy days that I can't stand.
Hang on in there everybody!