How many hours per year are expended in the pursuit of cycling, how many hours per year are expended by pedestrians in the uk ?
According to the BMJ and other authorities the risks of head injury are about equal, but the real question is how does this prevent a head injury?
The next question for you to avoid answering is...... would a helmet prevent a head injury in a pedestrian fall?
Whilst here, why did you quote the snell b95 tests as being sufficient and then backtrack ?
Read the posts.... it is simply a case (onc again) of trying to get a straight answer from you
It really is ironic that you are chasing an answer given th fact that I am still awaiting a straight answer on one thread despite your being asked multiple times, and after some three weeks.
As above - when you reply and explain why you are claiming that the Snell test and modern technology are incompatible, then I can asnwer both points at the same time:
You could also answer why you think that increased ventilation does not affect the efficiency of a helmet, but again I doubtthat you will.
Until you actually come up with a straight answer there is no point really in my commenting furthe
The open lattice has no snag points. The inner shell has an eps shell for fit and comfort, and the outer shell is smooth as shown in this thread up page ^
You have stated you accept that a lid tested to snell b95 is adequate but this testing standard is 19 years old now. Technology moved on and this is the result
...and just how has a helmet impacting a solid object changed in 19 years?
Has gravity increased?
Or are you suggesting that helmets are no longer designed to withstand an impact?
If a helmet is able to withstand the Snell impact tests then it is able to with stand the Snell impact tests. If not then it offers less protection than one that does-simples
Now lets see which tangent you take to avoid answering that basic fact?
Or can we take this reply of yours as an admission that you were unable to answer as it would have shown just how poor your knowledge is in this field