Ok ok point taken

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Fan Boy No More.
Fresh pineapple is lovely but you have to think where Gaz is coming from. To him, trying new food feels threatening, so it needs to be as straightforward as possible. A pineapple could look pretty intimidating to someone with SED!

Stop laughing at the back! :angry:

Gaz - despite having suggested earlier that you avoid foods from factories, I'd suggest starting off with the liquid from a tin of pineapple. Sometimes the liquid in tinned fruit is described as 'syrup' - that means it is laden with added sugar. You want 'juice' not 'syrup'. That would mean that there was nothing in the tin but the fruit and fruit juice. All the factory did was preserve that in a tin can.

I think you might take exception to the texture of pineapple itself. There is a slightly fibrous quality to it that might cause problems. Mind you, a small tin of pineapple is cheap so nowt much lost if you don't like it.

Try drinking the juice Gaz, and if you like sweetness of it, you could suck a few pineapple chunks and see how you got on. If that went well, you could try chewing one.

(All this talk of food is making me feel hungry - I'm off to have something to eat! ;))

PS I've just realised what you wrote about that 'freshly sharpened Samurai sword' - ho ho, what kitchen is complete without one! :biggrin:

Saved for after the apple attempt :biggrin:


Fan Boy No More.
[QUOTE 1429984"]
Sorry Gaz, only just read this. Great news, great hope.

Cheers Dude, appreciate it


Fan Boy No More.
[QUOTE 1429987"]
I worked on an eating disorder unit for a few years a while back. You can do this.

For the first time ever !

I believe that too

any practical advice ?


In between here and there
Smoothies might be step towards fruit.

Or Cooked apple.

I am just amazed that the human body can operate on crisps & Mars

What is the anxiety based around? Texture or taste?

Bit like someone earlier, I seriously crashed and burned in my 30's panic and a type of agrophobia. I could barely get out. All I know was that the only way I got back to life was exposure in small and tiny steps. If I over did it it really was one step forward two or more steps back.

So my only advice is that your excitement is great, but don't go to quickly 27 years is a lot to unlearn.


Fan Boy No More.
[QUOTE 1429989"]
Seriously? I'd say look to your professional and immediate support first. You'll get loads of encouragement on here, and that's brilliant, but don't take the advice too much to heart. None of us are experts (some of us know nothing!) and none of us know your whole picture.


there is (as always im sure) issues around my professional support, in that I dont know when my next appt will be, they were supposed to call yesterday to confirm the duration of treatment that they can offer (said to be approx 30 sessions, ever 2 weeks) but that one appt I have ha, its been a real eye-opener/kick up the ass


Colin's tip to cut it up is a good one, if you can get hold of a knife. You do know that there's a bit in the middle (the "core") that most people don't eat? It is the bit with the pips in - if you cut the apple into quarters vertically then you should see the core quite easily.

Mad at urage

New Member
The core is the tastiest bit! Pips are full of flavour, the only bit of an apple I don't (usually) eat is the stalk.

But then some people* think I'm weird.

*Actually, that's probably most people. Yeah, cut it and core it - you're only a beginner after all :laugh: :thumbsup: !


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Cut it horizontally to see a star
Oh, yes - In my description, I meant cut it vertically, from where the stalk (?) comes out at the top, to the funny bit at the bottom.

There are probably a few people thinking that Gaz is making a real fuss about eating an apple, but when you watch those travel programmes on TV and see the hardy traveller flinching when proudly presented with a local delicacy (camel's eyeball, yak's testicle, whatever), you realise that we are all fussy about what we eat. It's just that some people take it a bit further than others ... ;)


Fan Boy No More.
Ideally I shouldn't have done it at work

But 5 small bites IS a huge leap forwards I feel

Next time and there will be a next time, I'll cut it first and not do it in public

Ps- thanks Colin !!!


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Gaz - have a bit of what the missus and kids are eating. Follow them !

Certainly get into fruit and 'good' cereals (i.e. not coco pops) first.


My Armchair
Hey stop dissing the coco pops, they're my No1 cereal!!

Have had a bowl of Special K oats and honey for my dinner/lunch/brunch, marvellous :thumbsup:
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