oil for bike chain the best to use ?

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I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..

Are you summoning me to defile this thread with heritic talk of wax? :tongue:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
If I find the container then I will give the oil another go, but use your technique as opposed to the ColinJ Sling a litre of it on the chain and moan about the ensuing mess approach.
I did find the container. I had it in my head that it was a huge container, but...

Chainsaw oil.jpg

It is only 500 mL! I suppose compared to the 120-odd mL of typical bike lube containers that IS pretty big. If it works out for me then it will probably last me years and is cheap anyway.

One drop of motor oil on a toothbrush pressed against the rollers. I then spin the cranks 8 times so the entire length of the chain passes under the toothbrush twice. The oil works its way on to the rest of the chain soon enough.
I cleaned the chain on one of my bikes and did the wiping on with a rag trick. The oil was only at about 16-17 C so it was still quite viscous and I did see a few small oil strands as I moved the chain round.

I think I will pour some oil into a jar and warm that in hot water before applying it next time. I had already decided that I would use an old toothbrush to do it, as suggested by @Chris S and @Cycleops - great minds think alike!

That bike is the one that gets used most in damp conditions. I'll see how I get on and report back at a future date.
can you give me your thoughts compared to normal chain lube ? my commuter eats chains due to the all weather conditions i ride in and if long term i can make stuff last longer its a bonus

I don't do the same riding as you. however, my observations are: so far I found it less messy. the carrier fluid dries fairly quickly so after applying, wipe the chain immediately after


Legendary Member
The oddball in all this is using wax. I've never used a chain waxing system but I've been on here long enough to know that it really polarises opinions and is always good for a long argumentative thread. "I use a waxing system and it works well" vs "you are an idiot wax is not a lubricant".

and in between that is "I use Squirt wax based lubricant, as its almost as good as a waxing system" but much less of a ball ache to do.


Legendary Member
Oh yeah, and I I use it for my chainsaw too.

can I advise you don't apply it in the same way to the chainsaw, at least not with the chain running :laugh:


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
oh yikes, I have no knowledge of the Dupont company but are you suggesting he don't buy their products for some reason? I'm open to learning more because I would rather support small women owned companies
I'm sure you must know DuPont, after all they invented Nylon back in the thirties and been involved with all sorts fibre and other innovations since. It's said that the name Nylon came to be because they had an office in New York and London, but it was simply a follow on from cotton. Anyway might be idea to find a smaller specialist producer if you want to avoid a big corporation.
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