Odd factoids

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Eddie appropriately went on to play an Ass in that other Shakespeare play Shrek.
He didn't play a role. He just acted normally.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Eddie Murphy was the son of Audie Murphy and his wife Audrie. While in labour Audie galloped his horse with Audrie on the back across the Texan desert to the maternity unit. Being such a hero he made it in time for little Eddie to be born. Some say the brain damage is a result of Audrie not riding side saddle.


Leg End Member
Boanthropy is a psychological disorder that makes the sufferrer believe that they are a cow. They try to live their life as a cow.


Leg End Member
Boeing uses potatoes to test their in-flight Wi-Fi, as they reflect and absorb the signals similarly to people.
The project is called Synthetic Personnel Using Dialectic Substitution- or SPUDS.


Legendary Member
The World Wide Fund for nature can trace its roots the the WWF wrestling federation in the 80s. Some of the wresters were so hopped on steroids they actually metamorphosed into animals. As a load of WWF T shirts and mugs had already been printed they changed the name but kept the initials.


Legendary Member
The beauty of that programme was that it took the pith out of everyone in equal measure, it wasn't simply nasty like Love Thy Neighbour, but a whole sector of society would doubtless have a coronary if they saw it today.

I've no feeling in two fingers and only partial feeling in my thumb, so my deterity is shot to pieces and my typing is terriblebajg tkpd.
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