Odd factoids

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Leg End Member
The first two posts on this page share the same number, 6,961.



Legendary Member
Pages were invented by shaun in 1829. Prior to then the internet was ome giant, enormous, single page and navigation was by means of scrolling up/down/left/right. After 3 days this became unusable due to amount of pictures of Frenchmen being hanged as pirates, and this inspired our leader to create the concept of pages.

Sadly, Shaun never lived to profit from his invention. He was caught enjoying a glass of red wine for breakfast - he was taking it as a hangover cure - and was immediately accused of being French and was hanged for being a pirate.
The Pirates of Penzance were really Moorish invaders from Casblanca who invaded Cornwall to carry off Anglo Saxon women after seeing how Ingrid Bergman managed to cross frontiers without going through security checks.


Legendary Member
The Pirates of Penzance were really Moorish invaders from Casblanca who invaded Cornwall to carry off Anglo Saxon women after seeing how Ingrid Bergman managed to cross frontiers without going through security checks.
They were aided and abetted by the Cornish women who being Celtic wanted to see the back of the Anglo-Saxon invaders.
Trig points were invented so that boring old farts with nothing else to do in life could ride round the country and tick them off their list.
All part of Mental Health awareness campaign.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
There are more trig points in Britain than hospital beds


Legendary Member
Thelfth Night is inappropriately named, seeing as it was set during the lunchtime of the 13th Day. However, Francis Bacon, writing under the pseudonym of Bill Shake-His-Spear (a traditional Zulu name) had a very dry sense of humour. The follow up play, 48hrs, was adapted into a film starring Eddie Murphy.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Thelfth Night is inappropriately named, seeing as it was set during the lunchtime of the 13th Day. However, Francis Bacon, writing under the pseudonym of Bill Shake-His-Spear (a traditional Zulu name) had a very dry sense of humour. The follow up play, 48hrs, was adapted into a film starring Eddie Murphy.

Eddie appropriately went on to play an Ass in that other Shakespeare play Shrek.
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