Odd factoids

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Alan Tuning invented the Tuning Fork. Invaluable if you have a piano.


Legendary Member
Many people believe that lumatics are thus named because the phases of the moon are lnked to their behaviour.

This is incorrect.

Thr moon was originally named Luna, as itmwas discovered by mad Jock McFruitcake, who was himself a raving lunatic. Indeed, he was so muchnof a loon that despite being born in Glasgow he was actually quite fond of the English. A nutter indeed.


Legendary Member
Cadbury's qere responsible for many of the hideous brown paintjobs on BL cars in the seventies. As per the song, "Cadbury's take them and they cover them with chocolatse."


self serving virtue signaller
Accrington Stanley were supposedly named after Cad Bury's best mate Stan.

But the truth is darker. They are named after the knife, due to the razor blades hidden in their shin pads in case everything kicked off in the other sense of the word.


Legendary Member
A footballers shin pads are a hangover from the days when morris dancing was part of the rules of football. The decorative pads were originally intended to hold ribbons and protect the dancers shins from the limp wrists of theirmfellows slapping against them.


Leg End Member
A footballers shin pads are a hangover from the days when morris dancing was part of the rules of football. The decorative pads were originally intended to hold ribbons and protect the dancers shins from the limp wrists of theirmfellows slapping against them.
Nay lad, t'weren't morris dancing but clog dancing.


South Glos
The first and last joint morris dancing and blind football festival was held in Grimsby in 1983. Due to the high number of morris dancers having the **** kicked out of them, it was decided to abandon the concept and the events were separated in later years.
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