Odd factoids

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
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Inside my skull
The soldiering iron mean while was an offensive weapon invented by Nick Faldo during world war 1
When the geese from Greenland migrate to Ireland in the winter their dropping are collected and fermented. The resulting (revolting?) brew is called Guinness.


Legendary Member
Joe Biden's real name is Joe Bidet. Understandably, he thought this was a bit sheet so prompty changed it to Biden. By complete coincidence, in Swahili 'Biden' means "chump who changes name".


Legendary Member
Donald Trump's Mother was a huge fan of Donald Duck, and named her son after the charachter. The Donald is himself a massive John Lennon fan, and took the middle name 'John' in the whining Liverpudlian's honour.


Legendary Member
John Lennon's real name is John Lemon. However, due to a speech impediment he could never correctly pronounce his surname.

It is a little known fact that Keith Lemon is the illegitimate offspring of John Lemon and Brian Esptein.


self serving virtue signaller
Lemon's wife Yoko Ono was a founder member of the citrus themed girl band Satsumarumour.

She fell out with the rest of the band, who thought it was a stupid name. They gave her the boot and rebranded as the far more sensible Bananarama.
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