It's been a lovely and sunny day here chez Casa Reynard.
Slept quite well, then spent the morning doing the remaining errands that I ran out of time for yesterday. Wasn't entirely successful - the art shop had neither the paper nor the glue I wanted, and Wilkinsons STILL isn't stocking any Felix in store. I can order online though and do a click & collect. But I did pick up another ream of paper for the printer, and lucked out in Iceland with a box of 40 Felix AGAIL pouches still at the old price.
Noticed that the butcher on the market place has wild rabbit in stock, as well as partridge, mutton and pig trotters. Didn't bite, will wait till I've done a grocery shop on Sunday and then go back. I kind of fancy a rabbit casserole.
Had a lovely ham, cheese & chutney sandwich for luncheon, along with a pear, a tangerine and two
Then spent the afternoon hauling in the firewood I cut on Sunday. It's now stacked up on the drive waiting to be turned into logs. I also took the chance to pick up and dump a lot of small wood that's snapped off the trees over the winter, and walk around the boundary to see what wood the drainage board left after they trimmed the trees just before Christmas. There's a good bit of dead stuff that I can haul in and cut up, as it's good to go.
Having a quiet evening, just finished a

and a Min Spy.