Mundane News

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Had a lovely luncheon of a ham, brie and pineapple chutney sandwich, an apple, a pear and two :cuppa:

Then spent the afternoon lumberjilling, and I now have another decent stash of firewood waiting to be hauled in. Admittedly the plum / bullace is largely of no great quality, but it IS very dry and so will burn well and can also be split to produce kindling. The oak is nice though, and will make lovely long-lasting logs.

Had to shake the sawdust out of my undies - I'm zipped up to the neck and wearing loads of layers (including lycra base layers) so how the heck it gets in there, I've NO idea... One of the universes grand mysteries.

Now sat down with a :cuppa: and a Min Spy.
Deffo motoring news as they reported on road rallies.
It was more the private ads

Mmmm, as a schoolgirl, I never really bothered with the classifieds whenever I bought an issue of MN - I was more of an Autosport person. It was FF1600 / FF2000 / F3 that was of interest to me when I *did* buy one though...

A neighbour donated a job lot of Motor Sport back issues to me at the time too, but they didn't really hold my interest. I've since learned that the editor was very quirky and insisted on having stuff sent in handwritten. Coverage of stuff was also rather haphazard. The view in the trade / amongst nerds is that Motor Sport ignored more history than it recorded.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
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A very milky full moon at dawn above the London Eye.

It got caught in a tree when I was walking the dog.

Had leek & potato soup for supper, plus the last of the pasta from the other night, the last of the boston beans, and did a pan of chips to take up the slack as there weren't many "bitsas" left.


Legendary Member
If anybody needs me on Saturday, I may be contactable at the local hospital as I have gone and booked the velodrome taster session at Lee Valley Velopark for this coming Friday.

I have never ridden on a track before, and the last time I rode fixed was as a toddler on a trike with the pedal on the front wheel.
If anybody needs me on Saturday, I may be contactable at the local hospital as I have gone and booked the velodrome taster session at Lee Valley Velopark for this coming Friday.

I have never ridden on a track before, and the last time I rode fixed was as a toddler on a trike with the pedal on the front wheel.

So you weren't "just looking" after all... :laugh:
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