No, no funny cambers or anything like that, just very, very fast.
It's a chicane these days. The earth bank has been moved back quite a ways and there's now a big gravel trap in place where the old bank used to be. The original corner forms the escape road for the chicane.
Here's a video of how the circuit was like the year before the accident (1990) - it's a test session for the same type of car (the level just below Formula One) that Paul was driving when he was killed. About 12 seconds in, you can see a view of the corner from the exit - Paul hit the barrier at the left-most end of the tyre stack as you see it. That red Mateus-sponsored car is the exact same one Paul drove in that fateful 1991 race.
If you watch the video all the way through, you can see the poor quality of maintenance at the circuit. There's also some footage of Paul after about five and a half minutes in, then again at 7:50 driving the turquoise #12 Leyton House / Chatterbox car - blue & white helmet, the same as my avatar.