Mundane News

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Turning up a blank on the sale of that Howard Cole / Ian Thompson car that took place at some point in 1983. The 1983 print run of Short Circuit is nigh on useless as it concentrates mostly on Hot Rods and racing in Scotland and Northern Ireland.


Will have to go and search elsewhere.


Not a great nights sleep up till early hours trying to settle the dog. Cried the place down his ongoing ear problem decided to start up big time bang on bedtime. Tried his drops, antihistamine cream which normal work instantly and extra meds. Nothing was working a short relief was letting him out for a wonder round the garden a few times. He finally settled around 2 in the morning in his basket so left him in the front room over night. Come the walk this morning he was like nothing had happened, I on the other hand are shattered.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Lovely sunny morning with virtually no wind.
Not going out on trike with the sun still pretty low so it will be a garden day. I could try a forest road again but while yesterday's sortie was ok it was a bit damp and like cycling in treacle.
Sheep have appeared in the field opposite. There was somebody going round checking the fence ages ago who told me they were putting some sheep in but I thought they had abandoned that idea with the long delay.
Went to the chemist yesterday looking for the B12 stuff but nothing there.
"Let's see what the computer says. Ah yes it has been sent direct to the surgery where it will be in their fridge."
"It is not supposed to be stored in a fridge" says I. Hasty backtrack and it is probably in storage cupboard.
Finally if you wanted to travel on the 0630 this morning forget it unless you are booked Calmac tells me at 0530.
Dangerous goods being carried so passenger numbers restricted. Cannot imagine what dangerous goods we have leaving the island.
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