Mundane News

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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I'm more annoyed at the way it was handled to be honest, the person I spoke to was the person who suggested changing the requirements in the first place and from their response today they had obviously changed their mind back some time ago, while I spent last week waiting and not applying for another job because I'd been given the impression I had a very good chance of getting this one.

This process is annoying but it is also helping me figure out more clearly which branch I'd like to aim for, and also helping my confidence because wherever I've gone, the clients and my peers have all been really positive about how I work and what I do, so I'm not being refused because I can't do the job, rather for logistical or administrative reasons I have no control over.
If you really want a bureaucratic challenge, come to the States!

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I've managed to get a doctors appointment this morning! In fact, I'm sat sitting staring at the monitor, waiting for my name to pop up..
Fancy. Around here, nurse or functionary comes out a door and calls your name. Used to be the Poor Clares or Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis, but it has been a long time since I've seen a nun. Unless it's a buoy.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Just found a place advertising a job. Problem is, it is the other side of Stuttgart and the commute will take a stressful hour and a bit one way. However it is well within the 50km that I'm expected to apply, and as I'm going to the Employmernt agency tomorrow I probably should look into it.

Look down requirements: "Applicant must have minibus licence"

Call and ask about this. Yes, absolutely essential, because I'd have to taxi people around as part of the job for some reason.

Problem solved...
I could tell you, a minibus license is not all that hard to accomplish, but that would be useless information as I'm not in Europe. Never mind.
Me, neither, just attracts a crowd of people, any one of which could probably paint the scene better than I. I prefer the camera, allows for several different interpretations at different times.

With you all the way on this one; focal length, framing, exposure length, filters etc etc etc... Sky's the limit, really.

I'm totally shite at painting landscapes btw. And that's being kind. :laugh:
This is about as good as landscapes get with me...

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