Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
If it croaks, we may never know what it is/was.
By pure coincidence I'm drinking a beer called "What are frogs?"
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I'm not going to the "Training course" this morning because I'm an anarchic rebel. Yeah man, against the machine et, c.

Also, I need to call my prospective employer and find out if they will be, if you see what I mean.

I've been "Invited" to "discuss my employment prospects" by the Employment Agency on Friday so I'd like some good news.

And after calling for three times they've finally told me that I'm not getting the job: They want one person to cover all the areas.

Which means someone else can deal with the H&S Nightmare once a month.

It also means that we will likely be moving house in the next year, because that was the only real option from the local area. We shall see what happens.
I'm cooking chicken thighs in oxo, roast spuds and mixed veg. :hungry:

Sounds good. :hungry:

A "bitsas" night here tonight. Still got soup, plus there's the duck & noodles, some leftover buttered cabbage, a pack of prawn toast, and I've made a chocolate and custard pudding.

For the latter, I had a chocolate bombe thing that I'd forgotten about. Still tasted ok, but was a bit dry, so I broke it into chunks and it's soaking in a mix of egg, milk, vanilla and nutmeg. Half an hour in the oven should do that nicely.


Leg End Member
And after calling for three times they've finally told me that I'm not getting the job: They want one person to cover all the areas.

Which means someone else can deal with the H&S Nightmare once a month.

It also means that we will likely be moving house in the next year, because that was the only real option from the local area. We shall see what happens.
Sorry it's turned out that way. Hope you find something soon, or without moving too far to find it.
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