Mundane News

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Went to local firework display in the rain tonight. Some lovely fireworks. We escaped before the finale so we didn't get stuck in the crowd bottlenecks.
Soz bods, been crazy busy here chez Casa Reynard today. Finally had the chance to sit down and unwind.

Lovely supper though. :hungry:

Roasted tomato & red pepper soup, followed by fish pie made with salmon & parsley sauce and topped with mash and cave-aged cheddar, plus buttered leeks and savoy cabbage on the side. I may have eaten too much. :blush:

Used some of the salmon side I bought on yellow sticker on Saturday night, and a big bunch of parsley from the garden. The only full price items I used i.e. not on yellow sticker or on offer were milk and potatoes. ^_^
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How many discarded / spent fireworks will be littering the cyclepath today i wonder ?

We have to wait until new years day for that fun and games...
I'm not going to the "Training course" this morning because I'm an anarchic rebel. Yeah man, against the machine et, c.

Also, I need to call my prospective employer and find out if they will be, if you see what I mean.

I've been "Invited" to "discuss my employment prospects" by the Employment Agency on Friday so I'd like some good news.

Of course, the person who I need to talk to isn't there, so I'm now stuck by the phone.
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