Mundane News

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Sharing an office with 20 odd year olds. Its like being a dad. Sink always filled to top, drainer never emptied, explosions of food in microwave and rotting food in fridge.

Just pulled this lot out of the fridge that's rotting. No wonder both fridges are full.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Oohh look at this they all keep saying. Yes its farkin yours... kids

Deleted member 26715

I chose to do it with a more sledgehammer approach, I sent an email around on Monday advising the cleaner was putting anything that did not have an owner label on it in the bin on Wednesday. If I remember correctly only 1 item was saved.

Deleted member 26715

I have a headache


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Cholesterol Tests are back and I've dropped from 7.5 to 5 in a few months . Happy with that (on a low statin dose - looks like it's genetics).

On another note, one of my other tests come back low - last test was high as the bloods were taken 'after' my meds. So, pharmacist said oh it's a bit high, you don't need the meds - I explained I needed it daily , so don't take it that morning before the test (taken 24h earlier) - yes it came back low as expected as it lasts 24 hours. :wacko:

So back to the docs for a non-urgent check up - not seen him since June.
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