Mundane News

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Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I've seen loads of strange stuff at different workplaces over the years but this one ... C'mon really ?

Line leader and one of fork truck drivers smoking weed during work in a place full of cardboard.

Manager's words - "well ... we can't do anything about it".

I'm speechless.


Legendary Member
So who has pinched my work mojo ?
Mine was at home enjoying a second week off work while I went back in - perhaps yours popped round for a cuppa.

Such an exciting day - deleted 40 of the 48 emails having read the message header and decided that was enough, deleted another as a duplicate of one I needed to finish a report from before the week off (both arrived after I'd finished) and the rest got deleted after skim reading. By late morning was so bored I pre-spent this month's Premium Bond winnings on some music from Amazon and 3 gig tickets which resulted in having to book a couple more days off work to go to the gigs!

Only four more days to put up with work this week!


Leg End Member
There was only one in the box :cry:
And you kept it all for yourself!

Salty seadog

Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)
I don't touch the stuff even though I have, on occasions, allowed ethanol to enter the Sacred Temple that is my body.

The are temples,

... And there are temples.

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