I don't think Trump is a particularly good candidate, but then I don't think a man who is senile is either & the problem with the latter is that you don't know who is really making the decisions. As for conspiracy theories, it is very clear that social media was being interfered with, the law was being used to interfere in politics and a seriously malign left wing agenda was being pushed.
This is a problem that's currently endemic in American politics - that a large number of their lawmakers are well above pensionable age and have no inclination to give up their seats despite being well past their sell-by date - both physically and politically. At least Nancy Pelosi had the good grace to step aside as Speaker when she did, whereas Mitch McConnell is currently generating as many brain farts as Joe Biden. Bernie Sanders however, is still managing to talk sense...
Social media, however, is driven by algorithms that give prominence to things it thinks you are interested in - particularly paid content. And that does include political posts and adverts etc. Although I don't actually *get* any politics posts on Facebook, simply because I choose not to engage on there. There was a very interesting study done back in the autumn (though I'm damned if I can find the link now) that looked at how US voters were being targeted by political posts on social media according to whether they stopped to read them or like them etc, and how it correlated with their actual political affiliations. But at the end of the day, the algorithms are only as good as the person that's written them, and if you understand how they operate, then you can avoid getting sucked in.
FWIW, I get a lot of recipes, car stuff and adverts for viagra on my FB feed. Absolutely *no* idea why I get the latter...
It's also quite clear that events in Ukraine are not as we have been told, that it is being used as testing ground for weapons & some are becoming seriously rich.
That, I'm afraid is absolutely nothing new. Humans have long excelled in finding new and interesting ways of bumping each other off right from the day that someone picked up a sharp piece of rock. Might I recommend the following book - Arms of Krupp by William Manchester - which, although there is a decidedly anti-German bias from the author, is a good and eye-opening read. And yes, it's about how business can profit from warfare and politics.
(there are cheaper copies than that available, but I picked this link for the synopsis)
Also this cartoon, that incidentally popped up on my Book of Faces feed the other night...
As for the UK, the police are becoming more interested in what you are thinking, the process is the punishment & government is following their own agenda, not an agenda desired by the electorate.
To quote Babylon 5: the universe is made from matter, antimatter and enlightened self-interest. That's top-down government for you. But whatever the system of democratic government, it's never perfect. Each system has its advantages and its flaws e.g. first past the post as we have here, or full proportional representation as there is in Belgium for example, or the US system, where votes cast are given different weights according to population density.
And I don't care if TPTB are interested in what I'm thinking. I've nothing to hide. Except the whereabouts of my chocolate stash.