Maybe it's because I've got better things to do in life instead of looking for conspiracy theories waiting to jump out at me behind every tree. Critical thinking is everything.
As for Trump... Any man who thinks it's socially acceptable to grab pussy in public and boast about it (in his case on camera) gets short shrift from me, regardless of who or what he is, and regardless of their politics. An ex of mine found that out to his cost.
And as for media lies. I rather suspect you have absolutely no experience of life behind the Iron Curtain. Which I do. Thank your lucky stars that you live in the UK, where you can read (or not read) whatever you choose, without prejudice and without censorship.
I don't think Trump is a particularly good candidate, but then I don't think a man who is senile is either & the problem with the latter is that you don't know who is really making the decisions. As for conspiracy theories, it is very clear that social media was being interfered with, the law was being used to interfere in politics and a seriously malign left wing agenda was being pushed.
It's also quite clear that events in Ukraine are not as we have been told, that it is being used as testing ground for weapons & some are becoming seriously rich.
As for the UK, the police are becoming more interested in what you are thinking, the process is the punishment & government is following their own agenda, not an agenda desired by the electorate.