It's been a reasonably bright and somewhat chilly day here chez Casa Reynard.
Slept well enough, though I've tweaked a muscle in my, ahem, derriere, so turning over in bed is less than straightforward LOL! Anyway, spent the morning doing chores and topping up the wood in the house.
After a lovely luncheon of toast, smoked salmon mousse, torta di gorgonzola cheese, fruit and a

it was into the gardening clobber and off outside for another trailer load of firewood before the weather turns. Now realistically, I didn't really need to go out, as I have something like four trailer loads stacked in the garage. But it's still too early in the year to be complacent about these things, and looking at the forecast, it's likely to be at least another week and a half to fortnight before I'll be able to lumberjill.
I filled the trailer, and then spotted another dead ash tree that has a reasonably clear line to fall. It's a bit too big for me to bring down safely, so I have cut a large wedge out of the bottom of the trunk and am hoping that Eowyn will do the rest of the job for me.
Have had a quiet early evening by the fire. Madam Lexi has been fed (Felix AGAIL with chicken) and soon it will be time to feed me.