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Grandson has been collected from school and returned intact to mum 👍

good job. I remember picking my kids up from school. it was the highlight of my day


All at sea⛵
Total non day.
Driven 200 miles
Put the fear of some deity or another into an indolent tenant. Have a recovery programme in place.

Moved on to move a renovation programme forward, was a bit assertive by present day standards.
I asked the contractor if he was too busy and would rather not take on the job.
My colleague winced and said they felt uncomfortable with my behaviour. I reminded them I held the funds for this project and we needed a result. I also pay, indirectly, his salary.

Undeterred I had brunch with my son and moved on to terrifying suppliers in Wales.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
No but it is similar, pudding rice is pudding rice, I remember when they only sold 2 types of rice in shops whereas now I have about 10 different types/varieties of rice in my cupboard all with different characteristics/flavours, only subtle differences but noticeable From Basmati to Thai 'Jasmine' sticky Rice to some of the nuttier 'Wholegrain' and 'Wild Rice'. Latest is an African 'Kilombero' Rice from Malawi in both White and Wholegrain.

In The States, "wild rice" is actually the seeds of an aquatic plant, gathered by boat.


Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Total non day.
Driven 200 miles
Put the fear of some deity or another into an indolent tenant. Have a recovery programme in place.

Moved on to move a renovation programme forward, was a bit assertive by present day standards.
I asked the contractor if he was too busy and would rather not take on the job.
My colleague winced and said they felt uncomfortable with my behaviour. I reminded them I held the funds for this project and we needed a result. I also pay, indirectly, his salary.

Undeterred I had brunch with my son and moved on to terrifying suppliers in Wales.

Thank you for keeping the spirit of proper management alive into the 21st Century. We will have need of it very, very soon.


Time to visit the Land of Nod.

I shall go by elephant via The Alps.


Über Member
95yo MiL ready to come out of hospital, has been ready to leave for 2 days, but can't leave until home assessment has been done. Phone call today to meet assessor at her flat, assessor wants to know where MiL is as she is can't do assessment until MiL is at home

meanwhile hospital is at full capacity - I know I have read about this nonsense before, but it is actually happening.....

at a bit of a loss what to do with this catch 22 conundrum of , patient can't be released till home assessment is done and home assessment can't take place till patient is released. . So we emailed her GP
Now we have no idea if this was a coincidence or the GP phoned the hospital, but 30 minutes later phone call to say patient transport would drop her off at home in an hours time -

so she's home - with a large box of pills - 6 different types, some 1 a day some twice and some 3 times. (18 tablets a day:eek:) How is someone 95 supposed to work all that out ?

anyway wife has managed to find a company of carers (probably at ruinous costs) that will pop in 4 x a day, and we will go down a few times too, but how are the very old supposed to cope who may be don't have family near by and can't afford private care.


Über Member
I took early retirement as a specialist Social Worker for older people in the LRI.

Back then all social care was by social services I was part of the multi disciplinary team responsible for assessments for older people requiring home care services Assessments were started with talking to relatives regarding any care they provided to establish there care role if any prior to admission.

The patient would be given an activity of daily living assessment this was carried out by the occupational therapist ,physio and medical team. SSD home care would then be contacted re timing and level of service If required a home visit with the HomeCare organiser and any relatives who wished to be involved in the patient’s care Any aids and adaptions identified .
Sometimes major adaptations were required then a temporary stay could be arranged in a SSD residential home or in a nursing home. Benefits could be provided where appropriate..
Private services started to take over the role of SSD.and my self and colleagues moved to area offices

The service wasn’t always perfect but were based in the hospital and could respond quickly.

When I advised the medical consultant I was taking early retirement he was somewhat annoyed .As I explained to him I couldn’t guarantee attendance at the weekly MDT meetings our be available to see concerned relatives when they visted this wasn’t what I signed up for

I retired two years early and had intended to continue till I was 70 It was a job that I never had a problem getting up In the morning for..
I can’t really comment on the current system but so called bed blocking is now worse than ever.
Your experience with current home care and what looks like the hospital not being aware your MIL should be attending a home assessment would never have occurred with (blows hi own trumpet)never have happened.
The whole purpose from admission to discharge was to have services aids and adaptions in place.that meet the service users needs and those of any relatives who wish to be involved in t he care plan.


I think it was 'occupational therapist' at the hospital who concluded that, as she is capable of getting dressed herself she can go home.
the nurses and other staff in the wards are wonderful, can't fault them at all, it is whatever is behind that frontline within the NHS that just seems disjointed and at times clueless
I think it was 'occupational therapist' at the hospital who concluded that, as she is capable of getting dressed herself she can go home.
the nurses and other staff in the wards are wonderful, can't fault them at all, it is whatever is behind that frontline within the NHS that just seems disjointed and at times clueless

My mum, who was a fairly senior district nurse, was saying much the same when she retired over 30 years ago... Plus ça change...


Legendary Member
In The States, "wild rice" is actually the seeds of an aquatic plant, gathered by boat.


Yep I know it's not actually a rice. Rice is also an aquatic plant too but grown in shallow water.
The normal way of buying it here is mixed with either Long Grain or Basmati although you could probably get it from a specialist 'health food' shop. (one thing that has always puzzled me is how come people who work in 'health food' shops always look so ill.)
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