Mundane News

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A good day yesterday; started my dream job.

It was also my daughters birthday; the perfect opportunity to feed tartrazine to the kids.
At least one of them is already hyperactive...
View attachment 758937

at least it's suitable for vegetarians!
95yo MiL ready to come out of hospital, has been ready to leave for 2 days, but can't leave until home assessment has been done. Phone call today to meet assessor at her flat, assessor wants to know where MiL is as she is can't do assessment until MiL is at home

meanwhile hospital is at full capacity - I know I have read about this nonsense before, but it is actually happening.....


hang in there, just works the problems as they come up. our elderly Mother has been thru the ringer the past cpl years. deep breaths. compassion 👍


The grass has appeared, big melt underway. Paths swept and hosed to clear them of the anti ice grit. Postie finally arrived with the salt pepper and vinegar jars along with a bag to return the old router in.
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Legendary Member
Is that the same as rice pudding?

No but it is similar, pudding rice is pudding rice, I remember when they only sold 2 types of rice in shops whereas now I have about 10 different types/varieties of rice in my cupboard all with different characteristics/flavours, only subtle differences but noticeable From Basmati to Thai 'Jasmine' sticky Rice to some of the nuttier 'Wholegrain' and 'Wild Rice'. Latest is an African 'Kilombero' Rice from Malawi in both White and Wholegrain.
It's been a mild and grey day here chez Casa Reynard, but there is still ice in my planters!

Did not sleep terribly well thanks to dreams of a nature of which I couldn't possibly mention in public... :whistle: Spent the morning doing chores including firewood, a load of laundry and just some general tidying up. I also had to lubricate the lock on the garage door, as it's a mite sticky thanks to the cold and damp weather.

Had a lovely luncheon of toast, smoked salmon mousse and torta di gorgonzola cheese, fruit and a :cuppa:

Did some lumberjilling this afternoon - not firewood, but giving one of my two mulberries a much-needed haircut. I didn't quite get as much done as I would've liked, as the thick branch (about a foot, and mulberry is very hard, dense wood) made my saw overheat, and I then probably flooded the damn thing trying to re-start it. So I put the saw back, and will check to see if it starts tomorrow. I did fill about 2/3 of a trailer with wood, which has been stacked up along the fence. It will need to season for a couple of years before it's remotely ready to use as firewood.

The evening has been spent puttering about in the kitchen. Sorry about the lovely aroma wafting about, folks...

Madam Lexi has also been fed (Felix AGAIL with chicken), and she did the quality control on the lamb that is currently in the oven.
Being temporarily immobile has given me an insight into people's attitude to those with disabilities. In wheelchair they completely ignore you, cut you up etc and don't mention looking at the food in the buffet. You can't see it but people barge in front of you (old people). You'd think they were still on rations and had to get there before the food ran out.

Topped off by some old lady rushing past me on the inside (left) and kicking my stick from under me, just because she was dashing for food in the restaurant. Not much of an apology, sorry and dashed off as I shouted 'Jesus and FFS' as I was trying to regain balance.

This has now set me back again as the tendons twinged and pulled in my groin. Back on heavy duty pain killers. Grr.

It's been an education and you'd think some of these old folk would be more careful as they are way nearer the coffin than I am.

Chatting with the couple I was with when we were assisted onto the airplane and I mentioned I had a new appreciation of the difficulties. She is in a chair and can't walk far.

Reminds me when I used to take the train from Moorgate on the way home from school. The station I got off at was next to a bingo hall. I used to take the bus home from there, and woe betide if you got there when the bingo finished, as the little old dears would flatten you in order to get on the bus first. Anything went, including hitting people with their walking sticks. I remember picking up some pretty spectacular bruises.

Used to call them "the blue rinse brigade"
What a load of bollows! Cows being responsible for all the CO2. So our farmers are being blamed for what South American farmers are doing! :angry: :angry:
Some councillors are advising people to put oatmeal milk and other alternatives to milk in their tea and coffee instead of milk. Is there an idiot selection board which selects these people ? :wacko:

You'll find that's methane, and not carbon dioxide btw...
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