It's been a mild and grey day here chez Casa Reynard, but there is still ice in my planters!
Did not sleep terribly well thanks to dreams of a nature of which I couldn't possibly mention in public...
Spent the morning doing chores including firewood, a load of laundry and just some general tidying up. I also had to lubricate the lock on the garage door, as it's a mite sticky thanks to the cold and damp weather.
Had a lovely luncheon of toast, smoked salmon mousse and torta di gorgonzola cheese, fruit and a
Did some lumberjilling this afternoon - not firewood, but giving one of my two mulberries a much-needed haircut. I didn't quite get as much done as I would've liked, as the thick branch (about a foot, and mulberry is very hard, dense wood) made my saw overheat, and I then probably flooded the damn thing trying to re-start it. So I put the saw back, and will check to see if it starts tomorrow. I did fill about 2/3 of a trailer with wood, which has been stacked up along the fence. It will need to season for a couple of years before it's remotely ready to use as firewood.
The evening has been spent puttering about in the kitchen. Sorry about the lovely aroma wafting about, folks...
Madam Lexi has also been fed (Felix AGAIL with chicken), and she did the quality control on the lamb that is currently in the oven.